Fortune was only six when we had our first baby. Her name was ‘Joy’. Mother and child were fine. Luckily for us, Joy was not the crying kind.
Raising a child at that age wasn't easy but today we’re glad we made history even before the story began. FB_IMG_1525170067334.jpg
“Is she okay?”
“Shush! She’s trying to sleep.” Fortune whispered. I kept quiet and watched her in silence as she put Joy to sleep. She was beautiful and fair, loving, sweet and compassionate. If Fortune and I was a sin, I wouldn’t mind sinning again. After all, I heard Jesus still forgives.
“Let’s go!” She held my hand, with her sunshine smile we ran to the play ground. The same spot where we had met last year. She had been sitting alone watching the other kids play and I thought maybe someone broke her heart because I knew the feeling, after Delilah left me for Solomon two months before I met Fortune, because, his parents were rich and often took them to ‘Mr. Biggs’.
Fortune and I became best friends and her mother began to call me her daughter’s boyfriend while my mother, bluntly called her my wife. “Bring more fire wood.” She said, as she cut the vegetables for the soup.
I provided the firewood, the three stones used as a tripod for the pot and the Peak milk tin used as the pot. “Let me get plates and spoons.” I said, as I went in search of tomato tins and crown corks to serve as plates and spoons respectively.
When I returned the fire was out and my wife was almost choked by the smoke as she tried to blow the fire back to life. I ran to the rescue, and together we blew until the sparks came and then the fire followed.
She sighed in relief and flashed an appreciative smile then she exclaimed.”Oh God! I forgot to bring the meat.” She spoke from the heart and the sadness showed on her face. “I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.” She apologized as she served our meal.
My wife was the smartest kid in the play ground. While other kids killed lizards to be used as meat for their soups, I saved a piece from my lunch so I could provide for my wife at the play ground. But on the days my mom would yell, ‘Iboro, eat your meat! I want to see you eat your meat.’ On such days when I couldn’t provide, she’d bring crayfish from her mother’s kitchen to be used as meat. Fortune was the true definition of a woman of noble character.
Yesterday, I went to the house and I didn’t find her and the baby. I’d be very cross with her if she took our baby to the playground without telling me. I went there but still didn’t find them. So I sat alone wondering where my family could have gone.
“Please can you help me find some firewood?” Nicole said, as she stood beside me. She was my playmate before Delilah. Since she sounded polite and refined, and my wife was nowhere to be found, I decided to help her cook.
I was still fixing the wood in the fire, when Fortune walked into the play ground, her eyes caught mine, and then she walked away sadly.
Later, I saw her and could not believe my eyes. I knew she was heartbroken, she was a very sensitive and emotional girl, but she didn’t have to take it that far. How could she be playing with Solomon? If he dared take my wife to Mr. Biggs, I’d break his neck, I told myself.
I had to get my wife back, but I had to wait till play hours were over. “I’m sorry Fortune,” I said, “This is for you.” And I stretched out a heart which I had made from flowers.
She smiled and gave our baby to me. “Thank you, it’s beautiful.” She said. “I wanted to tell you my dad has promised to buy me two more teddy bears exactly like Joy.”
“That means we’re going to have triplets?” I asked.
Fortune smiled and nodded. “Yes, we are.”
I walked her to her door, and ran excitedly back home to tell my mom the story of how I got my wife back and the two new babies Fortune and I were expecting. FB_IMG_1525170067334.jpg

Dedicated to: Fortune.

  • Thomas Iboro ; my true friend.
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