A Jersey Girl Introduces Herself - Jack of Many Trades, Master of Some, and Excited to Share my Thoughts with the world.

Oh hey fellow steemers. I'm Elise - and I'm too lazy to do the verification thing but you can check my insta by the same username ... I'm the one and only ChechMoney.....

So this is me:

but to be fair this is really me now (I cut my hair....)

As much as I hate to admit it, I'm a Jersey girl to the fullest (though I spent 1/3 of my 33 years of life in New York City), I drink Scotch NEAT - ("Johnnie Walker Neat - Do it Do it"... name that film for a vote...), I curse like a trucker, and I'm not afraid to go toe to toe with the boys.

I am a Lawyer, I have an MBA in finance and my CFP and I work for one of the largest investment companies in the world.... but I oddly, I'm mostly proud to be a bad ass chick on a snowboard... (I got my first small sponsorship at the age of 33, not bad...)

So expect me to post many videos of my snowboarding....

I'm a total nerd who's obsessed with anything LOTR, GOT, Harry Potter, Starwars, etc... I say that I read books when I really only listened to the audiobook....

I have a lot to say about the economy, especially the fraudulent federal reserve... I believe the New World Word Order is real, and I agree with @marketreport is 100% correct when he says the biggest economic collapse in history is coming.

I have a problem with overzealous a*shole police - I legitimately fear a militant state - and will be asking all of your for your help soon in combating their corruption and overzealousness that was a direct assault on my life and career, more on that soon....

I am a FEMINIST but I VOTED FOR TRUMP (he's not taking your right to abortion away ladies...) but willing to have a normal conversation about him with anyone who can resist the "he's a misogynist - racist" comeback (because its a ridiculous and honestly sissy argument with no true value.)

Maybe its the jersey in me... maybe its cause i'm a woman who works in an industry that's 17% men and spend my winters on the mountain with all boys... but I love his style man.


He's not perfect, and he's definitely an ass sometimes, but at least Trump isn't afraid to piss people off if he thinks what he's doing is the right thing. I just hope he does a good job and doesn't disappoint me like Christie.

I am a LIBERTARIAN - if you don't know what is is, look it up... and I bet if everyone knew what it meant, they would agree they were one too. (And while you're at it, look up quantative easing if you don't know what that is either...)

I plan to use this site to share my beliefs, educate people on real issues, promote my new business ventures, and hopefully find intelligent and talented people to help me build the empire I have been working on every spare minute of every day.... (anyone know how to make apps?)

Upcoming Posts:

  1. Money Rides - Snowboarding Tips and Tricks for Beginners
  2. DAMN THE MAN - Why taking surveys matter
  3. Unvealing of what happened to me with the police and why I need your help

Until then... follow and like or I'll fetch my dragons...

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