Ayn here... :P

Hey guyzz... Its Ella Ayn from Pakistan and I am literally a normal human being, normal in a sense that there is nothing special about me (i guess). I love everything, hate nothing, love to have fun and nothing else. I litterally dont know what else to add. I am pretty much into physics, well its my passion and the list is literally long, including: books, painting, games and almost everything (hahaha). I hope these qualities belong to normal category of human beings(hahaha). By tha way, I am a Physicist (I guess that explains my so called passion about physics, honestly i just tried to have fun in doing something that i literally have to do.... no choice).
I am still a student and literally dying to leave the student life, to try something new, something far more full of fun. Guess what, me joining here is also for the sake of 'real' fun, and i am soooo looking forward to it. lets have fun together...
By the way my Pakistan is so beautiful and I love it. If you don't know, just google it. You will also start loving it ( Please ignore the political aspects, this is something you can't change alone, no matter how hard you try)
Thats all for today ( I guess).
P.S. ( My English is quite poor, so just ignore the mistakes..)

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