Introducing Myself from Utopia Educators

Hello everyone!

Hello there!
My name is Emmanuel Barrera and I am a professional writer at @utopiaeducators.
I am 16 years old and since I am right, the languages, the books, the classical literature and the knowledge and entrepreneurship of new languages have characterized me by showing great interest in many areas, I am a professional dancer of Latin dances and dances such as Salsa Cubana and Bachata Moderna, Merengue and Latin American urban rhythms.

Since I was a child I have been interested in languages and since then I have been interested in the languages and the art of learning and putting them into practice, based on languages I have learned that no matter where you come from you can learn any language regardless of race, skin color or the distinction of cultures that exist between different countries around the world.
Each language and every art is unique to each personality of each person.
Personally, I can say that from an early age my interest in languages was increasing as I tried to understand and manage to speak a foreign language which was "English" and adopt it as my own language from a country like Venezuela where there are no different methods that ensure a learning of a foreign language or quality teachers who ensure a good learning of each language.
Currently, I am studying French and Italian as romance languages for someday to get out of my country Venezuela and the regime that my country currently suffers and to achieve significant progress in every language that I can learn in the future.
I am currently a writer at @utopiaeducators and I am especially grateful to my boss and the founding CEO of Utopia Educators for being the person who has been helping me lately; I can say with certainty that without the help of this wonderful project I would be in the same critical situation that I was in a couple of weeks ago.
The languages are magnificent and quite beautiful to learn if you have interest and passion for them.
I always had in mind a future and my goals in the hope of becoming someone in this life and being able to overcome myself steadily.
Undoubtedly, languages open up a huge portal of possibilities and opportunities that involve the very knowledge of each language properly and not in its perfection but if a certain level of management in each spoken language.

Learning and focusing on new languages has been everything to me since I understood that communication is too important that influences each spoken language, because of the different ways of speaking a language and how important it is to know different cultures and to know new countries, languages and ways of thinking.
Personally, I have always believed that despite the difficulties, there is a good side of things and you always have to be positive and give your best for a better coexistence and life.
I am very grateful to @utopiaeducators for being a page that has helped me grow personally and taught me many things I still needed to discover.
I am infinitely grateful to them for always giving me the opportunity to contribute to this program and project that gives each of the reading lovers a new way to discover new information and new ways to learn something new.

My skills

  • linguist and polyglot connoisseur of more than 5 languages, including: French, Spanish, English, Italian and Portuguese.
  • fluent Latin American and English speaker as a foreign language and graduated from the national experimental university of tachira in Venezuela, city of San Cristobal
  • Bilingual teacher in FSA bilingual education and Spanish-English teacher with personalized and private classes.
  • knowledgeable of languages and native spanish speaker, lover and passionate about literature, books, chemistry and physics and new philosophical ways of thinking about life.
    I still remember when I was 6 years old and no one believed me that I could speak English since English was a foreign language and it was not normal for me to speak a language with some fluency for another person I didn't know about languages and their way of speaking over time, even my mother used to tell me that I was "joking" or playing a joke on everyone I spoke to in English , in fact this helped me grow personally and made me understand that despite what other people believe or feel about you and your way of doing things, you should ignore the bad comments and get ahead for a better quality of life.
    You always have to work hard for what you dream of and what you crave with your heart.
    Let us not forget that we are all equal and we must all enjoy the same opportunities and quality of life as anyone else.
    Thank you for reading my presentation!
    Warm hugs and greetings.
    With love
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