My Intro!! Dude told me to tell you ...

Screen Shot 2018-10-11 at 5.29.36 PM.pngHey dude,
Are you ready to find the truth about the Dude and Dudeism. I am going to take you on a journey to propose a way of thinking, trying to understand where did we come from, where are we heading and what is it all about. Dudeism as a word can be described as the way of living as a dude. Dudeism, is how dudes can enjoy living with other dudes with tolerance .We are all dudes, there is no nationality, gender nor color difference among dudes. A dude is always equal to all other dudes. No dude is prior to any other. A dude serves the society to excel the way of life for him/her/it self as well as other dudes. But who is The Dude?
There is only one Dude and that’s The Dude. We the dudes, we are just a drop in the ocean of The Dude.
The Dude has always been there and will ever be as he is not limited to dimension of time. The Dude is kind, generous and tolerant. The Dude is the origin of life and death in the universe. The Dude is however can be only a concept in your and my brain. The Dude can be seen through your eyes based on your understanding of it. The Dude does not limit the way of thinking. The Dude likes whatever you like. The Dude is happy when you are happy. The Dude is the spirit of enjoyment in your life. The Dude is the goal of your life. The Dude can be any word but no word can accurately describe him. The Dude enjoys entertainment as much as you do. You, a dude is part of The Dude. Your desires is part of The Dude. The Dude was not created nor is the creator of the universe and dudes.!

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