How Did The First Webpage Ever Look Like?

How Did The First Webpage Ever Look Like?

51,8% of the world's population are using the internet, but have you ever wondered where it all started and how the first webpage looked like? If the answer is yes, than you should read this post.

 The WorldWideWeb (W3) is a wide-area hypermedia information retrieval initiative aiming to give universal access to a large universe of documents. ~ Tim Berners-Lee 


  1. Who Am I ?
  2. Who Created The First Webpage ?
  3. The Webpage Look Like  ?
  4. Comparison To Now
  5. Summary

Who Am I ?

Because this is my first post on Steemit, I will use this chance to introduce myself.


I'm Dr Skort. I'm 18 years old and I love programming and cats. I'm interested in a lot of different things ( simulations, cryptocurrencies, games, music, systems, web programming and also webdesign, just to name some). That's why I also like to talk about a lot of things. I found Steemit, because a friend recommended it to me and it looks really great. A webpage that supports qualitative content ? First I didn't believe him, because I thought that would never work out, but it is ! Steemit is great and I hope to become a part of it. That's why I will post some articles about all kinds of topics and hopefully I'll find people, which share my interests. 

Thank you for your time.


Who Created The First Webpage ?

The webpage was created 1991 by Tim Berners-Lee, which developed together with Robert Cailliau at CERN, the concept for the World Wide Web.

Their goal was to create an easy way to share research results with their colleagues. To achieve that they interlinked scientific articles and created a web. One big advantage in comparison to other hypertext-systems was, that the WWW only needed unidirectional ( link on a resource without having the owner to intervene) links, not bidirectional.

To avoid confusion Berners-Lee called the first web browser "WorldWideWeb" ( without spaces ) and renamed it later to Nexus.

On the 6. August 1991 Berners-Lee made the WWW-Project accessible and public.

How Does The Webpage Look Like ?

The original was taken down but luckily there is a copy:

You even can visit it on your own here.

Comparison To Now

You may ask why it looks so boring and there is a simple answer to that:

In the time the webpage was created there were no style sheets etc. These were developed later, as well as the Web 2.o, which allowed user-generated content ( social-networks, blogs, forums ... ).

Even the page source shows us, how simplistic the webpage is. ( When you visit the site just press 'F12' and you'll see the page source)

If we compare this webpage to the current webpage of CERN we notice a small difference.

Also the page source starts to get a little bit confusing.

Looking on the page source we easily find some links to stylesheets.

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="" media="all">


As a summary I would say, that the first page was perfect in what it should do. The intention was to create a linking a web of scientific articles and what is the webpage other than a gigantic web of articles about the World Wide Web. The page is a big first step in the evolution of the internet and the WWW and it was also a very good example of the possibilities you had using html-pages. Of course webpages look nowadays much better but we still should not forget our roots.

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by Dr Skort

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