I'm Puppy...I'm Puppy...I am Puppy

I am new to Steemit and have posted twice. I have now been told I should have introduced myself. My Title does not really do so, I am NOT puppy, nor am I Poppy, but I was inspired to make the former by the latter.

I am an artist, mainly digital. I am influenced by many things, but mainly by the animal world. I have done various series of animals in chairs, animals at tea parties and even when I use my second favourite subject matter: The human form, they are often accompanied by animals.

I became obsessed with That Poppy, a Youtube enigma of a girl-like character who introduces herself to the interwebs with a 10 plus minute video repeating her name: I'm Poppy. I was intrigued and as often happens on YouTube, found myself hours later having watched short videos of Poppy talking to plants or mannequins (her nemesis Charlotte) and even, dare I say, enjoying the poppy bright candy coated music she also makes.

To me, as an artist, I take it as I think it is meant: Performance art. And just Pop Art. It mirrors our society of pop star cult and Illuminati conspiracy and even highly controlled pop artists and pokes fun at it with a bright shiny easily digestible pop aesthetic.

Many of my own animal pieces had begun to move into that sort of bright colored pop realm even prior to my discovering Poppy. So, coming upon her I felt an odd kindred moment of artist to artist digesting the world and spitting it out into little candy coloured squares.

Here was a piece from my animals in chairs, a unicorn happily enjoying a rest. It made me think of Poppy.

Another in that same series, the Orangutan seems himself an interenet creature caught in the square of our phone screens looking mildly out to the viewer.

Other pieces I had done, as well, gave that same affinity of pop surface.

Now to set the tone for the piece I made inspired by poppy, here are some random poppy videos.

Of course Poppy sings, why wouldn't she? This video played into my own Poppy creation.

So, it is nice to meet all of you...I'm Puppy er I mean I'm Donna.

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