Long Overdue Intro Post - Just a Short Story

There comes a day when three thousand people follow the money.


It has to be the money because I have not really authored anything to follow.

So here goes my intro post.

If anyone wants to know me, you can see who I am by what I do. I choose to introduce myself by telling you a true story.

Today you get a new cover image and a short story.

A close family member travels half way around the world to see me, which happens once per year at best. They lost touch with me many years ago. These visits have given us a chance to get reacquainted.

I have always paid for the flights and would not think of allowing them to pay for anything while here. Then again, there was this one year where I found myself refusing to buy plane tickets. Silent scrutiny was in the air as I tried to explain, and they understood, but wanted to make the trip anyway. They bought the tickets that year and all was good!

I still felt really bad. At the same time, I knew I was doing the right thing. The tickets would have cost several btcoins at that time, and bitcoins were the only transferable asset I had. You and everyone else might call me cheap, and I am used to criticism, but there is more to the story.


Family members arrived at their own expense. Meals, drinks and accommodations were on me because the dollars had not fluctuated to any extent, though the digital currency had. All went well and my guests returned to their place of origin. Phone calls continued as usual as that year went on.

Sometimes "No" just means, "Not now!"

It was about a year later that I got the call. We started to talk about dates for another visit. Once the date was set, I said, "I know it is difficult to take a few weeks off and come to visit, so of course, I will be picking up the flights this time." I heard a sigh of relief. I then asked for a bitcoin address because I needed them to pick up some things and bring them. Before the conversation ended, I sent a large sum of money and went on to inform them, "I just bought your plane ticket, and I wanted to send you the money for you last flight too." That seemed to make the other party happy.

The money showed up and instead of the price of a ticket it was well over a thousand times that price. Since bitcoin had moved from the two-hundred each, rising to ten-thousand each during that year, I gave them the same amount that I would have spent if I had stupidly bought the first set of plane tickets.

They got enough money to retire on that day. Afterward, bitcoin even doubled, or nearly so. Needless to say, they were happy I had said, "No!"

Their holdings have been split up and reinvested, and I am confident they have doubled up again. There is nothing like a practical example to teach someone a lesson: Never sell low.

-The End

I thought you all deserved a post.

Today, I no longer think about the price of bitcoin. I will not talk about the past issues, or go into the who or what happened in the past. I just wanted to finally give you all a post. Thank you for finding my account worth following.

I am @done

for the complainers who will bash me for using the introduction tags, this is my introduction.

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