Clinic is now OPEN


Thank you, Steemit! I am excited to finally start posting here.

First, let me introduce myself. I go by Doctor Muse. And before you ask, this is why:

  • Doctor = teacher (from Latin: docere = teach)
    o I enjoy sharing information with others for positive advancement

  • Muses = the goddesses of the arts and sciences according to Greek and Roman mythology
    o I am big into arts and sciences
    o I love listening/creating music
    o I love taking photos
    o And science is fascinating

  • Muse = source of inspiration
    o Something or someone I am working towards becoming

  • Muse = ruminate = lots of thinking
    o I am a thinker (sometimes I over do it… sometimes)

So there you have it. A bit about me.

Now, to be honest, I kept putting off writing this introduction because I am by nature a perfectionist, and I wasn’t sure what to write. Or rather, I wasn’t sure whether or not I would write a ‘good’ post. And for that reason, I kept telling myself, I’ll get to it when I’m less busy so I can actually write a decent post. But, it’s not like I’ve ever written a blog post before, so I’m sure I was just making up an excuse to delay having to confront my insecurities.

Well, I’ve just about had enough of that! I have decided to take another chance to do something I’m not so sure about. You’ve probably heard it before, so let me remind you that life is made of choices. Like, it’s literally MADE of choices. If you’re alive, you’re making choices. Hence, I can choose to occupy myself with insignificant things in order to avoid feeling unsure of myself and simply stay put in my comfort zone. OR this. Voilà! Here’s my first blog post ever.

Of course, this does not mean I don’t have a collection of questions scattered in this thought vault atop my head, as to how I’m going to go about this whole blogging business. Oh, decisions, decisions. There are so many things I wish to share, which means I’m going to have to spend some joyous time organizing.

Out of the many topics I am passionate about, I am narrowing blog posts down to these two: Health & Success.

My hope is for my writings to be helpful to those who read it. However, if it so happens that I am the sole reader of my work, I will still rejoice in that I have helped myself with the assistance of paper and pen (figuratively speaking).

I now end this post looking forward to the next.
Thank you for your precious time.

Peace, love, and blessings.

-Doctor Muse-

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