Near Death Experience, NDE, & Out of Body Experience OBE – DROWNING - Part V






Afterwards, I honestly don’t remember, what happened at all that Day, nor the Rest of the Trip for that matter.

And, in the Long Haul, speaking from a purely Physical Perspective, I don’t believe I had any Brain Damage, nor any permanent debilitation from the Prolonged Deprivation of Oxygen.

Eventually, I went on to earn two College Degrees, Became an Army Officer, spent 23 years in Corporate America, and over the last several years I’ve written a dozen Commercially viable Fiction Books, that I hope to soon share here on

However, on a Purely Spiritual and Intellectual level, I was NEVER the SAME…

Even though I’d Drowned at such a Young Age, it forever changed My Psyche on a VERY DEEP LEVEL.

  1. After the incident, I’d lost All Fear of Death.

  2. To This Day, I still find it hard to Mourn for Friends or Family at their Funerals when they pass away. In fact, I feel kind of envious of them, knowing that they’re returning to the Light.

  3. Which leads me to my next, Darker Secret, that I don’t discuss much, but it’s the Truth – I still think a lot about Dying and the Relief it will give me when I do pass. Not that I’m Suicidal, but I’ve Never Forgotten the Wonderful Loving Feeling that I experienced when I Passed Over to the Other Side. It was Magical, and although I’ve experienced several Spontaneous Spiritual Awakened Moments in My Life, none have come close to how I felt that Day.

  4. Also, I think My NDE opened some sort of Door to the Other Side that has never really closed. I say that b/c in other Future Postings, that I plan on writing, I’ve had All Kinds of Weird Supernatural Things happen to me.

Such as:

• Experiencing nearly 20 years of a Past Life in my Dreams where I was a Soldier who died a Violent Death.

• Months before my Mother died, My House became Haunted by some Spirit that kept knocking on my walls, tossing my drapes and shutters about, right in front of me. Slammed Doors at all hours of the night. And, on top of all that, I kept having freaky Dreams of Owls morphing into Cats. I even had two real life Owls, land by me, when I was attending Night School at a local college, and was sitting on a park bench on campus. They landed so close to me, I could’ve almost reached over and touched them. It was Really Cool, but also very Strange. Even the woman, who I was sitting with, couldn’t believe how close they were to us, and how calm they were…. She even mentioned how eerie it was that they just kept staring at me. In fact, We watched them for about 15 mins before we had to return back to our classroom, and they never budged, even when he stood up to leave..... That night My Mother Passed Away.

• Getting visited in my Dreams by my Deceased Mother, just months after her passing, and she assured me she was okay. It was a Very Lucid Dream & odd b/c in it she was very young, in her late teens, and when she had me, she was well into her 30’s, so I’d never seen that young before. Apparently, when Spirits pass over, and they project back through the Astral Plane, they tend to go to the image of their Last Incarnation that they felt the most comfortable with.

• The night my Brother died, his Ghost walked into my Wife and I’s bedroom, during the middle of the night, and sat on our bed. My wife thought it was me, but I reminded her, I’d taken an Antihistamine before bed, and was blacked-out all night. She did mention, when he got up, she noticed he was shorter than me, like my Brother was, and when he left, he walked right through the wall. She just thought she was dreaming, when Later that morning, we got the call, He’d died some time during the night… Btw, He had passed away from Pancreatic Cancer. God Rest His Soul...

Final Thoughts

In my 50 years of Life, I’ve learned a lot of Lessons, and some of the Most Important Ones I’d like to share with you are:

  1. Accept the Bad Things that Happen to You with Open Arms, just as You Do when Good Things Happen in Your Life.

  2. Things Don’t Happen to You, They Happen for You… and, I Really Do Believe This.

When I Drowned, it Truly was Horrifying and the Scariest thing I’ve ever Experienced in my Life. But, looking back now, over 45 years later, I can say without a Shadow of a Doubt, it was Nothing Short of a Miracle and the Very Experience my Soul needed to put Me on the Path toward a Spiritual Awakening and Helping Others on Their Journeys, too.

Without My Near Death & Out of Body Experience, I would’ve never had the Burning Desire to read hundreds of books on Religion and Spirituality, much less talk about it. And, I certainly would’ve never logged 2,000+ hours of Silent Meditation that had been a Total Godsend, that has answered so many of my questions about Our Reality, Who We Are, Why We’re Here, and Where We’re Going.

And, Yes, I plan on sharing as many of them with you on as I can. Woot! Woot!

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