Introduceyourself - to a great community

Hello dear Steemians,
My name is Dan, and I honestly have no idea what I'm doing here :) 

I first heard about Steemit from, and I decided to check it out. I never imagined what I would find.
I came here because I was told this was a great platform to upload content without any of the recently imposed rules from Youtube that has been trying to shut down many of the alternative media youtubers. I dont do any content, I'm just a “consumer” of interesting content. 

When I saw what Steem was all about, I made my account. A couple hours later I was like: NO! This is too complicated for me, dont have the time to get into it.
Even thought there's a lot of content explaining in great detail how to go about it for a newcomer, it still looked to me like something very time consuming.

But for some reason I just kept coming back now and then to check it out. Even though I still dont understand most of it. And the reason that makes me come back, is in fact the community.
It is astounding to me, how a platform with so many users can keep it all so civil, educated and helpful. I don't think I ever engaged or heard of an internet community with so much respect and kindness for each other. And that fact alone gives me hope and happyness for the Internet :P

I don't know if I will ever make content, but the more I see here, the more I want to do it aswell.
My interests range from world politics, everything animal related, videogames and movies.
I'm from Portugal, a little great country which I wouldnt trade for any other country in the world :)
Proudly owned by 3 german shepperds (that was not a typo :P).

Anyway, thanks to Steemit for this great platform and what they've achieved here, it looks like its going to be an interesting stay!

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