Hi Steemit!

I'm a 41-year-old developer and father of 3 super-smart daughters.

I've always had a passing interest in cryptography, and love all things tech - but it wasn't until about a year and a half ago that I really started to look at what blockchain was all about. I may have been late to the party, but it didn't take me long to get hooked. The potential of Bitcoin as a store of value and blockchain as a way to mathematically seal data and ensure integrity is nothing short of amazing. I did a little hobby-mining for a few months, and really enjoyed it. While it has become infeasible for "the average joe" to really generate any significant hashpower, I still love how Bitcoin democratizes money; Being able to plug into an economy and immediately feel like your contribution counts just as much as anyone else was a refreshing feeling, as I live in America and am used to a system that gives one interest rate to the financial elite and a higher one to the rest of us shmucks. Unfortunately, once the summer months came my wife got sick of the ungodly heat emanating from my closet and I had to shut the ASICs down.

Nowadays I do my best to HODL through the roller-coaster, buying a little more whenever the price drops down enough, and try to keep up with what's happening with the community. I love steemit and have been meaning to get an account here for a while now. I'm really excited to be a part of this site, and look forward to writing and reading much more.

Nice to meet everyone!

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