My Perfect World -- A Millennial Testimony

hello steemit community,

I am writing to you as a member of the millennial generation, hoping to give you all a taste of my own perspective.

Though I am an optimist, I believe there are many problems in this world; problems that have been masked, and forgotten, because of endless streams of content we see every day via the Internet, TV, etc. For example, the recent terrorist attacks in the UK go viral, and the next day completely forgotten by the masses due to a basketball game, hypothetically speaking. We are not to dwell, but instead remember and strategize together.


I believe one of the biggest problems in the world today is humanity lacking the skill of learning from the past.

One of the most popular catchphrases of this generation is carpe diem. I remember first hearing this a few years back, and unaware of its definition, I scrambled to Google. Its meaning: live in the moment. Immediately, I stressed, making myself believe I was too caught up in the past. But as I mature, I now realize it is not necessarily a bad thing remembering the past, but instead, I use it to my advantage and learn from it.

In the worldview, history repeats itself. Human-to-human conflict will always be. From the famous Albert Einstein, "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." Though he may not have intended this to be about human-to-human conflicts, one can argue that through the use of technology, we might be able to end this conflict.


My vision for the world, again it may be a very optimistic view but I am a glass-half-full kind of person, is to truly understand each other, and work together for the betterment of humanity as a whole.

Regardless of where you come from, what you look like, or what you believe in, we all were put on this Earth for a reason, someway--somehow; science can only explain so much. Once we can come to terms that we are all the same, we can start to become unified and hopefully share some of the same goals in order to increase the quality of life for all living things.


We are able to utilize the Internet as a tool to learn. Through the Power of Education, we are able to learn from famous scholars such as Aristotle, Cant, Socrates, and many other philosophers, to learn moral codes and ethics, at the touch of our finger. These are imperative for our children to learn in order to establish right from wrong, so as they mature and learn the qualities it takes to be a leader in society, we are ensured that they have the right foundation to lead, and ensure that the powerful tool of the Internet will be used correctly in the future.

We are to encourage failure, as some of the best lessons I have learned have been through my own demise. I am young, and admit that I do not have the answer for everything. But, I believe that more people need to learn to admit to themselves first, and then others, that they are sometimes wrong. I am not sure what people are afraid of, but in my own experiences, I have noticed people of ALL ages having a tough time admitting when they are wrong. The moment you can admit to not just yourself, but to others, that you are not always right, is the moment you will learn the most about yourself.

I hope that you made it through my first blog. I encourage anyone who has read this to leave feedback, as I am not sure how this will be interpreted, if it even reaches anyone. I hope that I can learn through my mistakes here, as well as learn from the seasoned vets in this community.




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