How we developed and why we entered the market


How it all started

Foundation of our Digital Finance agency was laid in 2013 on the basis of some industry-specific finteсh media. We published materials dedicated to payment services, cryptocurrencies and e-commerce.

Our first clients were processing companies, who asked the project team for PR services. Many of these companies strived for announcing their solutions for accepting online payments through references in industry-specific media.

As our services got traction, we were approached by various clients: banks, payment gateways, finteсh startups – and blockchain platforms, of course. This is when we decided to set up a professional communication agency Digital Finance that would specialize in PR and marketing services for projects in the field of payments and blockchain.

By the way, only Bitcoin enthusiasts knew about cryptocurrencies and blockchain back in 2013. The concepts of «fintech» and «ICO» almost did not exist. Thus, we are very proud to be not only watching the entire establishment of the industry, but also lively covering it in our media and also studying almost all the most popular business models of financial and technological companies.

Everything changed in 4 years

The global volume of investment in finteсh projects amounted to $3.2 bln in Q1 2017. Such figures were provided by the consulting company KPMG , which estimated the total volume of venture investments, as well as mergers and acquisitions in the finteсh industry.

From 2013 to 2017, the Digital Finance team has been engaged in the PR support of finteсh and blockchain-based projects. The list of our clients includes payment blockchain service Wirex, leading blockchain platform in Eastern Europe Waves, processing companies PayOnline , Fondy, WalletOne, fintech startup VsePlatezhi, project working with big data Instam, and even some banks – for instance, RFI Bank.

Since 2014, projects from various business fields have raised $1.8 bln through the ICO – crowdfunding from cryptocurrency market participants. Of this, the companies raised $1.4 bln from May to August 2017.

Our agency became a strategic partner of the Waves blockchain platform in 2016. We have long helped Waves to announce themselves in English-speaking and Russian-speaking media and social networks. We implemented various joint integration projects.

Our agency has been working at the ICO market since March 2017. We arranged several ICO campaigns using the Waves platform technology.


ICO, or Initial Coin Offering, is the procedure for raising funds through cryptocurrency. Essentially, it is investment from individuals shifted to cryptoworld, where cryptocurrencies are most often used as investment funds: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Waves, etc. Investors receive digital assets – tokens – in exchange for invested funds. Our agency accompanies the ICO both in integrated manner and occasionally, as well as with the help of packaged solutions for this field.

PR can be called the second important business dimension. As it was said above, our story began with PR and marketing, and therefore we have a huge experience in this field.

Despite the modern world being a world of technology, independent online platforms and expert blogs, we recognize the value of traditional media. That is why we pay so much attention to media relations, where we analyze the efficiency of PR campaigns while establishing relations with reporters and arranging publications on external websites. Aside from establishing relations with the media, we offer running corporate blogs (including those on the technology media platforms Habrahabr and Geektimes), SMM (coverage and promotion of the project or company in social networks), and many other useful tools.

Finally, marketing is the third dimension. Purchase of relevant traffic is one of the most important tasks, where experience in a particular highly specialized field plays a decisive role. Your contractor must be able to target the required segments, otherwise the traffic consumption will be inefficient.

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