A virus just broke loose in Nigeria- Documenting the First Steps To Freedom.

the virus

I really am sure not one of you have an idea what I mean by the virus, this virus is beginning to be wide spread where I come from and apparently is more profound in the SouthWestern part of my country (my country being Nigeria--I would probably one of these days write about Nigeria).

I wonder if we should holla at CDC or whatever body is in charge of preventing an outbreak of this manner but on weighing the pros and cons of such welcoming outbreak (yes this virus or bug or whatever the science folks would call it could lead to an outbreak that we would readily embrace--with chairs, drinks, drum roll and a parade).

This virus comes in the format of www.steemit.com. Now tell me who on board here wants THIS virus quarantined--I would like to tell @ned about such a person (I heard through the rumor mill he's a force to reckon with on here).



I am detan, in my twenties and I do a lot of things and key amongst them is dreaming about money (money making and spending also).

the egging on gang

The mode and rate at which all these folks and some more talk about steemit I sometimes wonder if they are ambassadors of steemit already.
@fisteganos, @trillex and @woleybabz have been telling me about this world (another home away from home--an e-world regardless) where they all write, where intelligible words are dropped by such a range of highly smart people for a pretty long while. (when I say long, I actually mean looooonnnng--like pretty long while).

the egging on period

I've always wondered and asked myself what really am I going to write", "do I really have it in me to open the door to my mind for people to see (or is it read now) the various un-intelligible things that go through it before the seeming far apart intelligible parts that come out and paint me as somewhat of a smart person".



This is supposed to be a post about myself, I know I'm really confused about what and who I am....... I sometimes want to live life doing the 8-5 office thingy, I sometimes want to do the freelance thing, I sometimes want to do the tour thing but the one constant thing is I want to be happy and be comfortable while being happy.

What You Can Expect

So here goes, I'll be writing about anything and everything that brings smiles to me, that make y'all wonder where he's been kept for a while (oh yes, I'm a guy).

These writings could range from my perceptions of things I see daily (or have seen that day) or about some story I've heard or could actually just be some fibs I thought up while nursing a bottle, could be about renewable energy (I actually have 2 degrees from higher institutions that have a lot to do with energy), could be about my confusions in life or various shenanigans of people around that I see (especially those of the political class in my country).

The Desire

I sure hope I'll feel welcome and get as good reviews and love as @fisteganos claims to be present here.

Till I get to work my mind up to writing again. Enjoy!!!

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