A woman on a mission to Heal Hearts...easy right..LOL

I dive right in, before you know my name I'm your best friend! Call me... that's me in a nutshell. Maria age 30+ height-short, Eyes-Green, Hair-dye, Waite-Long, Love deep fast & hard hehehe! I love a good time, my family my dogs and the beach. Nothing in life breaks my heart more than to hear that a young person has committed suicide. Self inflicted death is the worlds worst tragedy & so I dedicate my life to helping people work through the pain and find peace.

I've spent The last ten years studying how to help people. providing a semi-anonymous telephone counseling service, I am also the founder of a depression support group that now boast over 17,000 Members. I had spent a lifetime overcoming my own depression before I started winning including a suicide attempt at age 13. I tried a lot of different things but ultimately I got my Degree in what helped to set me free, Christian Counseling! I am very proud of my life in Christ and it really makes me laugh when ":open minded" people shutter at the mention of his name.... is that you? Don't worry it use to be me too! Now I'm going to School for my Doctorate, what a difference a decade makes if your willing to be yourself unapologeticly. I'm not a "Bible thumper" I'm a grace giver, and a lover of people. full of compassion and wonder.

You don't have to be a Christian to apply Love to life and the principals that have helped me over the years council and treat so many who are now over-comers. Some things are universal in the language of the heart and mind, no matter your faith I truly believe their are so many people who suffer and answers are right at their fingertips. When asked if accepting Christ makes a diffrence tho, I have to be honest, He made all the difference in me. Still People tend to have more in common then less, if people loved one another despite the differences what a wonderful world it could be. Alas I digress we were talking about me right ha!

I think My depression started as a teenager when my boyfriend was murdered, I didn't know how to grieve properly, I was sure no one would love me like "that" and that was the end of my peace for a very long time. Later I had many different hurdles and challenges before ultimately I completely gave up on being happy....brace yourself.... Here comes my ball of corn... YES That's when I met Jesus Christ. After following basic Christians Principals for a happy life, I met my husband who insisted I go to seminary school with him for a year.... 8 years later we are still madly...crazy....koo-koo in Love, I have a Masters Degree in Christian Counseling and I'm still in school now working on my Doctorate. Ny Journey to help people is a life long endeavor. I realize it's a battle everyone needs to join (Including you kiss* kiss*) We all know someone with depression even if we don't know they have it. The stigma on mental health issues has to end so more people can open up and get the help they desperately need. I love life, singing, all kinds of Music, great art and literature and i'm a fanatic foodie.... If you've made it this far I hope to get to know yo, and to share pieces that will inspire growth and development in your Beautiful Journey of Life! I'll Leave you as most Christians do... with 3 of my favorite scriptures!

"I know the plans I have for you say's the Lord, plans to prosper you not to harm you, plans to give you Hope and a Future say's the Lord your God."

Proverbs 18:21
The Power of life and death is in the tongue and those that love it shall eat the fruit of what they speak either life or death.

Seek and you will find,

Depression Help

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