Different Versions of Myself - A Different Way of Self-introduction

Hello there readers and all of Steemit!


I'm Marie, a 29-year-old citizen from Cebu, Philippines working as an ESL Teacher with a dream of taking photos and visiting beautiful nature spots from around the world someday, if not soon.

I am not big on making introductions about myself so I hope what I did below is fine enough.

Meeting and communicating with a lot of people has become really easy nowadays, and I'm not just talking about the ones whom you meet-talk virtually but also the ones you do meet vis-à-vis.

We tend to like or not like certain people we meet from the ''first impressions'' we get from them, which as overrated as it sounds many think last, well, that has been proven wrong in most cases anyway.

Personally, I was not used to be very keen on meeting new people a couple of years back, let alone communicate with them because I was kind of weary as to what they might think of me from ''the first impression lasts'' syndrome. Looking back at the 'me' that time now I certainly feel very different.

As of date, I have been interacting with a lot of new people from different walks of life and culture and have discovered that I actually can be a different version of myself when I'm interacting with whomever and I'm pretty sure everyone else too.

Talking about different versions of oneself I think below are a few of mine that probably others can relate.

Version 1 - The Dignified Me

This side of me comes out when I deal with my superiors and senior colleagues because who wants to look like you want to go to the loo when you are facing your boss? Definitely not me, yes, not me.

Version 2 - The Very Talkative Me

Well, everyone can probably be the most talkative when they are with the people they are most comfortable with, right? Because I certainly am, though my friends and family think I'm way more. Let's just say I can speak way faster than most people can.

Version 3 - The Mirror Me

There are these situations that make me act like how the person I'm talking to act. When someone seems very uninterested while talking to me I would do the same and when someone throws sarcastic comments my way, well he gets a dose for himself too and when someone's a real rude then I become one too. Come on, it doesn't hurt to be civil from time to time especially when you just met the person, right?

Version 4 - The Adviser Me

Honestly, I'm way far from being a remarkable adviser on a particular field but somehow some of my friends and colleagues ask for my insights and me trying my best to give them one, look first at the bigger picture combining it with some snippets from the internet or a book I read ,and a piece of advice is on its way. Have actually thought of making this a career once.

Version 5 - The Artist Me

Everyone has a creative side and mine happens to show itself when I'm normally in my lazy mode. I do some sketches and watercolor painting here and there. Made a personal blog of my outputs on instagram to see my progress though I tend to start a sketch and finish it later, like really latteeeerrrrrrr.

These five versions are the sides I mostly show and the others in few occasions.

I hope that from this platform #steemit I can be another version of myself. This is my very first post here and hopefully not the last one I make.

I stumbled upon #steemit thanks to my dear brother @venice24 for his nonstop push for me to try this, so here I am (found myself signing up in the middle of the night actually after a few weeks) and to his friend who invited him here @chuuukie.

I guess this is for now and hope to be able to interact with fellow #steemit users in no time!

Thank you for taking time reading this.

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