The New Kid Around! Get to Know Him (He Knows How to Bake Great Pizza!)


Hello! If you're reading these words you'd probably like to know a little more about me, wouldn't you? You've done your part and now it's my turn. Microphone in hand and the reflector pointing at me...

I guess I could start by saying the things we all say when we introduce ourselves. Honesty has always been my best policy so I might say a little more.

Who am I?

My name is Diego Ávila Muskus, I am 23 years old and I was born in the capital of Venezuela, Caracas (better known as La Sultana del Ávila). I have a head full of dreams, a loving heart and a spirit eager to know what lies beyond my gaze, the horizon and the earthly plane itself.

I studied Biology at the Simón Bolívar University (USB) for a year, then I moved to the Central University of Venezuela where I studied Biology for 3 years. I have always loved nature, animals and plants alike, I have always found myself with eyes wide open in awe when I discover how everything around us works. With tastes like that someone could study Biology and feel like a fish in the water, right?


Yes, I love nature, but I learned that I can't be a scientist. It's just not my thing. I was aimless for a while. I studied and worked as a pastry chef at the Gran Meliá Caracas (a prestigious hotel located relatively close to Caracas's downtown). I learned how to manage the airline reservation systems and sold airline tickets. I traveled to Merida (many times). I started exercising more. I found a job as a marketing analyst (I still have that job) and started a journey as a freelance writer at Fiverr and there, working together with a friend, I discovered the first stretches of my way.

“... Open a vein and bleed.”

That must be my new favorite quote:

Writing is easy, you just open a vein and bleed

  • Red Smith

I know I lack many things to call myself a consecrated writer, however, I look for ways to learn more, improve and polish my skills (recommendations are always welcome). I started reading a lot more (I'm currently reading Crime and Punishment by Fiodor Dostoyevski) and decided to open my Steemit account to use as a kind of blog (they say the writers' gym is a blog).


This is what my dossier would say.

  • Favorite bands: Red Hot Chili Peppers, Portugal. The Man, El Cuarteto De Nos (honorable mention to Hans Zimmer, Yanni and Jack Johnson).
  • Solar sign: Aquarius; lunar: Leo; ascendant: Cancer.
  • Favorite food: ALL! But pizza and arepa are strong contenders.
  • Hobbies: Exercise, video games, photography, music and contact with nature.
  • Favorite movies: Moonrise Kingdom, Forrest Gump, Filth, Inglourious Basterds, Allied.
  • Soon to live in Germany, time to open my wings and fly. (work in progress).
  • Greatest desires: Freedom and plenitude.
  • Usually appears on social media as "Deigo".
  • Plays: piano (not really), bass, drums and guitar.

Many thanks to @vicokiwi for being the one who convinced me to open my account (you’re awesome!). Feel free to follow me on social media.


Here you can check some posts of my authorship if you are interested in checking my writing style (the content will diversify over time).

Sea's Justice
Morning After

It has been a genuine pleasure making your acquaintance!

Verou & Yo.jpg

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