Introduce My Self

Steemian Hello, today I have tried running the esteem. I would like to introduce myself as a beginner and good friends who first joined, and also the owner of steemit @ned and @dan, as well as their Indonesian @levycore, curator of the @aiqabrago can accept my presence.

My name is kardialis defri was born to father jakaruddin and mother milisdar on 06 January 1994 in samadua right her Beehive water Center,
I live in South aceh, tapaktuan and I am currently studying at a University in aceh banda aceh, his right, namely the syiah kuala University and for the courses I take is physical education. Talk about favorite sports, I love all sports and the most French of its dominating the sport is called pétanque. The sport of petanque a sport that uses a ball of wood and iron ball three. My current College activities and exercise.

Thank you I say unto all, may the senior seniors can help guide me to so steemian true.
For criticism and suggestions from very senior I expected, thank you.

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