#DecentralizedEnergy #OpenSourceEngineering #AbundanceAnarchy


Greetings! I am extremely excited about this new social media platform and all its implications! Since earlier this year, I have been feeling really called to share a lot of the things I have been piecing together over the years. But lately, and the more I look into it, the more I have been feeling really discouraged about the idea of relying on youtube as a means to fund me in what I want to research and share with the world (plus I am not a big fan of ads, and having to use them on people). Also, especially since most of what I want to share is controversially forbidden, and notoriously "shadow banned" on these other popular corporate platforms out there, gave me no real hope of good exposure on them. But then I caught wind of steemit, and after some research, I saw the @jeffberwick interview with @dan and @ned,....... and I was hooked to learn as much as I could about it!
You maybe wondering...Well what might that be that is so"controversial" that I work on? ...... Well I am an energy researcher and experimenter for the past 13 years, in an area that has come to be known as "free energy" . Not the best word for it, for one, the journey has not been a free ride at all, hahaha.

Besides Tesla based energy research , I'm also interested in doing more research,innovating, and teaching cutting edge sustainable food growing , gardening techniques. I am also making good head way in research and experiments recently with a technique called "electrostatic heirlooms"/"Primeval Code"/"The Ebner Effect". Here is a little background on that if you are interested in learning more about this amazing story (link not my content):

The other areas of interest for me, that I would like to present on here, are cutting edge alternative health solutions( through tesla like technologies, negative ions, and "earthing" concepts),along with spirituality concepts, and things related to a compassionate plant based diet and recipes I have invented (yes I! vegan!!of over 10yrs).
Oh, and another passion of mine is amateur archaeology in regards to ancient megaliths that are everywhere around the world, including lost pyramids! So have a bunch I want to share about that! I know, it may sound like much to those unfamiliar with things going on right now, but I would love to create some steemit content to explain more on these subjects, in ways that I have been able to wrap my head around them, and can help others to learn and understand them as well .


You still with me? Great!! Now allow me to introduce myself further for you, My name is Dave, and my friends like to call me "Oneness". It was a given name from being in a group of friends with a bunch of other "Daves" and a need to distinguish between them. The friend who stuck the name, was always notorious for sticking nicknames, and typically not so flattering nicknames on people, like "uncle dad" or "newbie", hahaha. But we would always have spiritual discussions, and one day he was trying to pin down what I "was", as his spiritual influences were Krishna,and Jesus, and some aspects of Islam. He wanted to know what kind of God I believed in, and I told him, I believe we are all "one" in the ocean that is "God",and we are like droplets in that ocean, individual to a point, but also ONE. So he said, tong in cheek, "Ok, "oneness"", because to him, to say you were "God" was blasphemy! lol, and then I was asked if I minded that as a nickname, hahaha, I said, "no, not at all because it gives me the opportunity to teach that concept to others!" That was maybe nine years ago? But it stuck, and I started using it as a "brand" when I stared doing laser engraving. I then changed my facebook to reflect that name as more people came to know me as that. So needed a first name on FB, so "Davy Oneness" had a better ring to it than "David Oneness", or "Dave Oneness", hahaha, and then facebook started forcing people to use their "real" name, So I was able to slip through with "Uno Ness", trying to protect my brand I was working on, and thanks to FB now, some people like to call me "uno", hahaha...........f-en FB.......

So that is a little background on my nickname and what it is all about. Next, let me to tell you about my qualifications and situation I am in that will allow me to contribute extremely valuable content to the world, through steemit.

First, my technical background. Ever since I can remember, electronics has been a passion of mine. When I was 5, I got a hold of a screwdriver and started taking apart my electronic toys to see what was inside them, my parents weren't too happy about that, hahaha. Anything "mad scientist" always interested me as a boy, and I loved to go to the library and get "how to" and informational type of books, over reading any fictional stories or sports related books. Was also in the Boy Scouts, earning my eagle badge award. 'Scouting' at the time really helped me learning about a lot things through their "merit badge" system, along with leadership skill training programs. In school, I was always an "undercover" boy scout, I never dared talked about it out of fear of harassing teasing I may get, and certainly wasn't one of those ones who would wear their uniform to school to show off, haha. I went to a vocational technical high school for electronics, and after dropping out of collage as a freshmen for "music and sound recording" (change of heart in being a "cable rat") I then worked in manufacturing as an electronics technician for 16-17 years. Everything from the bio tech industry, to power distribution automated controls, to a nuclear instrumentation technician.


It was back in 2003 when I became aware of the concept of "free energy", but not only that, but through the file sharing program at the time, also woke up to the reality of 9/11 and the "deep state". I learned of cars that ran on water, and Stan Meyers work pulled me right in as a worthy study, and I started building some simple electrolysis chambers to experiment with, collecting all the information I could find that he left behind. I then came across John Bedini and Tom Bearden's work right when the SG craze started, and after I made that first roller skate wheel motor, I was hooked for life. It was a teaching tool released by Bedini to help people figure this energy out through experimentation and critical thinking. Over the years I spent enormous amount of time building and researching, and learning. I have actually learned more about electronics through these projects than I did in school or any job, the internet itself has been a great open source school filled with lots of conventional information, AND non-conventional "fringe science" to learn from, in a self directing manner. I have been able to do my own electronics engineering, and taught myself microprocessors and hardware code to really help manifest all these projects I have been working on.



In 2011, I "retired" from corporate manufacturing life in order to take this mission on as full time as possible, I have made it 6 years so far with lots and lots of sacrifices trying to take this on as full time as I can, but my "retirement fund" money I had going for me ran out, as it is not easy funding all this on your own with no idea when it will be "done", and profitable in some safe way, and not be messed with by the "deep state" at the same time. I needed to start doing odd jobs to help maintain bills, food, and lab space. Sometimes if I have to dig a hole or trench, I remind myself, Tesla had to dig ditches once too to get were he wanted. But now it is getting to the point, it is making it difficult to have the time,energy or concentration, to keep things flowing and the progress coming as fast as it needs to be, because of money issues and having to always stop to make some, and then recover from that to be able to spend days concentrating in my lab. And that is why this steemit platform is so promising to me, and why I really can't wait to share on so many levels with you through it!

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I have a two bedroom apt in an old 200 year old powder mill boarding house in Eastern Connecticut that I operate my lab out of. It is a mini farm in progress, and we have lots of garden beds and mushroom logs of oysters and shiitake varieties.


We have lots of acreage with trails I have been developing, and our dream is to be able to have workshops and retreats here some day for all sorts of subjects along with camping, music, and food.

So next, I thought I would familiarize you with some of the content I do have out there in the interwebz so far.

In 2010, I got a gopro Hero camera, and got really into using it when I went "skiboarding". Skiboarding is a hybrid of skiing and snowboarding that came out in late 90's, but then got over shadowed by fat twin tip skis years later. They are like having a short snowboard on each foot, like a ski, and feel a little like rollerblading, but since the bindings where high and it was cut like a snowboard edge, you could carve like a snowboard on them, and almost drag your hip on a sharp turn. They are lots of fun through the woods and just bombing hills! But here is a video I still like to watch that I made back then:

Skiboarding @ Okemo 1-14-10 from Davy Oneness on Vimeo.

and this one here is another old favorite because it shows the "winter wigwam" in it that I built for my friend on his land up in VT:

Snowshoeing/Winter Camping/Skiboarding in VT 1/29-30/11 from Davy Oneness on Vimeo.

Just me having fun, and learning how to edit videos. I didn't do it for a while, until earlier this year when I started on this project of converting some crucial Bedini internet radio interviews into video interview presentations that would really help drive the interview home for people wanting to wrap their heads around these subjects. And also as tributes to him because he had passed away last November. I will write something up individually in the future on these two tributes, but wanted to include here for any serious help, that maybe still reading this, to get an understanding for were I am coming from, and how serious I am on this.
This first one is about Royal Rife, a man in the 1930's that discovered how to shatter virus and bacteria with audio frequencies and how Bedini was able to figure out some very important parts about that machine, and how he got it to work, by showing us step by step, including shattering some organisms under a microscope as proof!

And this second Bedini interview I visualized, is in regards to Tesla's secret,how he is able to use it in his system, and how it relates to what Gabriel Kron did with his selfpowering network analyzers he made in the 40's for GE:

So where all this is leading me also, is an open sourced/engineered electric car project that the gas motor could be converted into an electric motor by using permanent magnets on the pistons, and removing most of the other gas engine parts. I have a proof of concept small two stroke motor that is almost finished now, as I just need to finish working out a couple minor details in the drive circuit and motor triggers, but the coil definitely moves the piston at this point with enough kick.
I have a Subaru impreza that I personally did a four inch lift on right after I had "retired", and this is the car I want to convert and document so others can reproduce it, that is right, I won't be selling the idea, other than hoping for enough steem to make it worth it and pay for the project and maybe my time.....


Subaru Burn in the Berkshires 3-27-13 from Davy Oneness on Vimeo.

So that is the car I would like to convert to electric and document on here! Please help it be a reality :)

Well now, I guess I should wind this intro down, I don't want to talk your ear off all at once now!
What is next? I guess I need some things to help prove I am me.

My facebook page, I posted about my steemit new account the other day, and set it as public:

My facebook artist page with some of the laser etching stuff I have done over the years:

Here is my vimeo account:

And my youtube channel. Please feel free to subscribe, and be sure to check out my different playlists on here too:

@verbz can confirm who I am, and so can @alkemix

And also friends with @lukewearechange on facebook and he can also confirm who I am!

Well, I'm praying for some record steem on this one! To help me get a good camera,digital storage, and devote more time to sharing presentations for open source engineering to help shift the world to where we need it!!!!

Thanks for making it this far, and I look forward to creating and sharing with you all! <3

I'll leave this with a song from my youtube playlist of "conscious hip hop" for your enjoyment!

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