👌Introducing Myself - Better Late Than Never (Hello, I'm David)

Hello Steemians,

I'm David, finally realised it's trendy here to introduce yourself in a post so figured I would jump on the bandwagon.

So I came here after reading a few positive things about Steemit online and watching a few YouTube videos and figured it might be a good place to blog, gain backlinks and do some networking.

Since joining I have discovered that this place feels like the golden era of blogging all over again and a place with a more engaged community than any other social network I have been on in the past 2 or 3 years.

I'm a web designer & digital marketer who specialises in Wordpress websites and eCommerce stores. That combination of closely related trades is what lead me to have a keen interest in cryptocurrencies but more importantly the practical uses of the blockchain such as smart contracts and Steemit and how it is a social network and content curation platform running on blockchain technology rewarding users with the very cryptocurrency it generates.

If I ever heard of a Facebook Killer idea, this is it!

That to me is FASCINATING! Smart contracts are definitely the future and unless I adapt and learn more I could easily be left behind as a web designer and someone who has worked online remotely for the past decade. Now I am looking at how to surive AND thrive in the digital economy in the next decade and beyond!

I currently live between two places, England (U.K) and San Francisco, California in the US where my girlfriend has a new job and apartment. Life is pretty good and I am excited to continue exploring and learning Steemit and related opportunities.

Thanks for reading.

David A 👊
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