My Steemit Introduction!

Hello internet and all you spicy tech pioneers!

Glad i've come to this platform relatively early- brilliant concept and I can't wait to see where this journey takes us.
So, here's some random points about myself to give you all a nice vague and misshapen representation of me, enjoy.

  1. I'm currently studying English Language at Cardiff University
  2. I love all animals big or small- here's a lovely picture of me and my dog, Nanuka
  3. I'm in love with Scandinavia; never been but I know i'd love it
  4. As a child I won the millennium baby beauty contest for my region (all down to my beautiful blue eyes
  5. I have won my local pubs barrel rolling race two years running
  6. My grandmother was a farmers daughter and could truly grow any vegetable
  7. I love weird facts like, did you know a pound of horseflies contains more protein than a pound of beef? Interesting but, I won't be eating horsefly lasagne any time soon!
  8. If I had to live off one food for my whole life I'd have to choose cheese
  9. I love scuba diving and it's a life dream to encounter a Whale-shark
  10. I've recently got very interested in the Crypto world and am more than excited to see it's mass adoption and global uses

Well, that's me. Drop me a comment of your favourite fact down below!

  • Dan
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