What's up everyone! My name is Dan.

First I want to start off saying that @illestbambi is a good and dear friend of mine, I've known him for almost 10 years now, and he's sort of showing me what to do; without his friendship throughout the years, my life wouldn't be as full of laughs.

Moving on, I'm scared.
Or at least I was... Maybe still am; I don't know.

When I first started reading about this site, learning about it, and seeing how it deals with bitcoin and all these online currencies, I got scared, not because I was afraid of some ugly monster, but because it was a whole new world. I was afraid of learning about it, about knowing too much, too little, losing focus on school, and to be honest, I'm still quite afraid of what all this is. But I want to change that.

I feel like in my life, and I think that the some of you reading this have gone through it as well, that I let so many opportunities fly right past me. Especially when growing up, I was involved with all the You-Tube stuff, I knew about so many things. And till today I have people telling me that if I would have really worked hard to do You-Tube, or something like that, I'd be successful. I was good at video games, especially the FIFA games, and I personally think that I can do what most You-Tubers in the genre do today. But alas, opportunity flew right by me. I was just too scared of failing.

This is evident throughout other things in my life. In school, I was too afraid to take a harder class, thinking that I would fail. Or even playing soccer. I'm by no stretch of imagination as good as I was, or even as fit as I was, but I have friends telling me that if I continued to play, and work hard, I would do so much better than I am doing now.

It really bothers me that I hear that phrase so many times.

So, in short, and sorry for rambling on about myself, is that I want to change that. I'm diving into the deep end, and I'm going to force myself to experience something totally new, and to try not to be scared.

I think and hope that some of you went through the same thing I'm going through right now. If so, it feels good to not be alone, and if not, I wish I were you, lol.

But alas, this is going to be the end of my first post. If anyone has any feedback, I'd appreciate some! I'm going to dive into deeper who I am, and some funny stories/articles/blogs? I don't know what to call em' on here. Thanks for getting this far <3.


This is me smoking broccoli, my mom thought it was WEED

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