Fishing NTH Queensland

G'Day all,
Well I think this steemit platform will be massive,and I'm loving it already, my main problem is i don't actually have a great deal to say. I am so used to just sharing memes and news post or fishing and hunting pics. And so on that note, as i don't have anything very insightful or or really interesting to say, here are some fishing pics from the last few trips :D

I don't know about the rest of the world , but Aussies love fishing!

A you beaut Coral trout!

A shark beat me to this one :(

This Beast is a Queen fish off Dunk Island, not real flash to eat but a monster to fight, so took a happy snap and let him go :)

This fella is a mai mai or dolphin fish, and in my opinion the best eating fish in the ocean, so said a quick "ohm mane pad ma hum" and killed him quick.

And this fella is a painted crayfish, and he is sweet, the missus always has a smile for me, when i bring one home for tea ;)
Anyhoo , Not exactly educational or enlightening, but i live for fishin, there has to be a few of you out there that ll like these pics ;)

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