40 year old social media virgin intorduction

social media

Hello Steemit. Let me start with a confession. I am not a one hundred percent social media virgin!


There was that two-week tryst I had with Facebook about 8 years ago, but I promise I didn’t “go all the way” and I didn’t even like it. Social media has been something I have generally avoided ever since.

Years later a friend introduced me to YouTube and the sparks began to fly! I would spend hours staring at it, listing to it, and when away I would pine for the time we would be together again. But there was a dark side, and I began to see red flags in this relationship. In the end it was the trolls, constant adds, and finding out that it was watching everything I did that killed it. like any other break up, it wasn’t YouTube it was me, and I had to move on.

After searching for something new I came across Steemit , and it was sexy. Unfortunately, I was still getting over another relationship and had some trust issues. Finally, though, I am ready to commit to something new. So here I am venturing into this new social media experience.

Hopefully this is the one that lasts.


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