Steemit.com Is a platform that rewards authors for posting on their social media platform through the reward pools and blockchain.

Where does the money come from?
Nobody knows, perhaps God started it. Clearly, if God created this world from nothing, so too can the money on Steemit be created from thin air.
Makes sense, right?
Well, no, so let's go deeper.

Steemit.com works on the blockchain of Steem, authors and content creators are rewarded with steem/sbd for their posts on the blockchain social media platform, votes are shared and can change if the voters have larger steem power,
steem power is the influence token that allows users to perform duties on the Steemit platform, steem power determines the amount of reward you get for authoring a post.

Good content gets up-voted and the more up-votes the higher the reward, while bad contents get you flagged
and you become invisible, thereby diminishing your Reputation. Reputation equates to trust on the platform that your content is original as nobody wants low reputation points as nobody will get close to you.

Here and now I am involved in introducing this project to help Steemit achieve growth, to elevate and promote the site, and also to help minnows and newbies on the platform to build up their network of followers.

What is #Project-Atlas

Project Atlas, in short, is Freelancing activities on the Steemit platform. The launching of this project is a great deal for all of us involved as we all are for the most part new to the community of Steemit and as everyone knows that the whales have a lot of power in determining how an author or content creator can earn payouts. All my short time on Steemit I and others like me have been trying to figure out an idea out that we can all use to promote steem/sbd and the platform in general.

This project is not about the reward nor are we interested in flag-wars, we are here trying to create something iconic, to make history and to promote the platform in general and to achieve this we need the support of the Whales, the Dolphin, and Minnows alike cause everyone has something to offer. While some say that this project is like other projects such as Steemgig, we don't think so, as the #Project-Atlas mission is to attract freelancers out there looking for work and encouraging them to have to sign up to Steemit'

But before the project can attract a lot of freelancers and non-freelancers alike, the Steemit community has to start offering jobs.

Am I making sense?

#Project Atlas, however, is here to promote steem/sbd/Steemit to another level by making other users outside of the steem blockchain see what they are missing on the social media blockchain and to attract and draw them in, so that they too can benefit from all that Steemit has to offer.

#Project Atlas is here to get steemit post out of the box, and content creators out of the mindset of posting on steemit just for the rewards. The project is set to get Steemit authors to post outside of the Steemit site and to get them promoted on other platforms with the help of the #Project-Atlas community who upvote and promote the work and exposing it to more people in and outside steemit.

Many authors on the steemit blockchain only post for the gain of the Rewards and are not really doing it for the blockchain, but with project Atlas we get your post off of steemit and promote the links of your steemit post by the community, also, the participants who did the job get paid for promoting your steemit post on other social networking sites where it can be seen that steemit.com can pay them for their post.
(promoting steemit post) (we also promote non-steemit post)

Many steemians disagree with #Project-Atlas as they believe that all they need are followers with a lot of steem power which is true as one vote can change your life on steemit especially is you post quality content that you want to share and not only for the reward, but to also give to Project-Atlas that allows 30 steemian retweet/resteem/share/comment/in and out of the steem blockchain and make your post something to remember.

#Project-Atlas also offers Freelancing services like many Freelancing jobs out there as the whole purpose of this was to set up and to promote steem/sbd on the market (and might draw attention of different kinds of people from each work campaigns and around the world to the platform steemit.com )

We are busy every day promoting steem/sbd.

Do you need writers, graphics designers, website designers, followers retweeting, emailing, subscribing on youtube and Instagram and so on and so forth.

The project also promotes non-steemit post like Facebook, Instagram or Twitter (retweeting sharing, my space and lots more by the community of project Atlas)

What this means is that you can ask for work/jobs like Upvoting on Reddit or Pinterest pin or ask the project to solve a promotional campaign for you the client and the workers in #Project-Atlas on steemit get paid with sbd or steem.
(By doing this we are promoting steem/sbd in the crypto world)

I would say that #Project-Atlas concentrate more on promoting other platforms as getting that mentality of the steemit platform of making money from the reward pools in order to attract new clients and new users to the platform but the good news is the workers involved are all from steemit even if the worker get the invites from multiple campaigns and participate on the minor job he/she has to have a steemit wallet to get their Rewards.

Everything new workers not on steemit need to know about steemit would be pinned to our discord and Telegram community, stating clearly all payments will be paid through sbds/steem.

###Services #Project-Atlas offers

the service we offer are as followed

We promote steemit and non-steemit post alike as the project suggested Atlas this time we are hooking out of the box *MAP and platform to get steemit across to all people who need Freelancing and offers a Freelancing Jobs (Facebook /Twitter/my space/Reddit/LinkedIn/Pinterest) etc. An author, organization or company can ask for promotional activities for their content, brands post, the community takes charge and do the necessary tasks involved and at the end of the day the workers who participated get paid with sbd or steem (we are busy every day promoting steem/sbd)

Commenting services and up votes
A steemit user or other social network User, company, organization, running a contest or showing off their brand to the world could ask for our services either on steemit or other platforms that they want to showcase their brands on.

A client will need a predetermined number of comments and the community will provide the services for the client by commenting on the said platform requested who pays with fiat currency which gets converted to sbd/steem and sent to each steemit wallet of those who participated in that particular contract(we are busy every day promoting steem/sbd)

Resteeming services on steemit
At this time there are no bots involved as it is the community involvement that is our strength. Clients ask for their post to get resteemed by a steemian with two thousand followers, "2000" announcement is made on the discord channel asking the community if there's any one with two thousand followers, once there is, the job is given to the user that qualifies, also, if another client ask for a resteem by a user who has 700 or 8000, 100 and so on follwers announcement is made on discord channel and given to qualifying candidates once the users submit a proof of work, and fiat is transferred to their wallet (we are busy everyday promoting steem)

Another scenario might involve a client asking for seventy (70) users to Resteem their post and not looking either they have high followers or not as they just want the post to get somehow lucky visibility. Though resteeming doesn't guarantee your post to get a high payout but who knows you might just get lucky.

note later in the future once "The Resteem count" has been included this service would be more useful on the steemit platform and we would be getting more clients for this services.

The whole summary of this resteeming service on steemit is that the client makes the decision of how he wants his/her post to be resteemed either with groups of account with little followers or just an account with many followers all #Project-Atlas does is to make announcement on the channel to check for the availability of your wants. (we are busy every day promoting steem/sbd)

Followers in and out of steemit #Project-Atlas with the help of the community can offer followers to their Clients either on steemit or any other social networking platform, clients ask for the specific amount of followers, announcement is made, workers are selected for the following job work is done, proofs are submitted to our community discord channel and sbd are transfered to workers who can proves their job. (we are busy every day promoting steem/sbd)

Upvoting authors post when they pay for votes on steemit and non-steemit posts. For the steemit, steemians paying for votes is not going to take place as soon as we have no whales/dolphins supporting this project and no steem power delegation, for now, steemians paying for votes may only take place if we have investors to support this project #Project-Atlas and I am calling out for help or when block trades start leasing Delegation then delegation could be bought to help the community grow as post promotion gets curated to keep the community and platform alive.

#Project-Atlas with the community can offer any type of Freelancing jobs, either on steemit or outside steemit, bring your Freelancing jobs, announcements are made on the discord channel, qualified user with quality ideas and past work as proof gets the job, after the job is done and with necessary proof and materials the sbd is sent to the workers wallet who participated.
What are we doing?
We are busy every day promoting steem/sbd

How is promoting other social media's post or other Freelancing services helping the steem blockchain or steemit platform? By finishing the task given by the client whether the client involved on the task given is a steemian or not, there's no way they won't be told about transferring sbd and trying to explain to him about the Steemit platform and how payments are being made to the workers. But if unable comply he sends the money by any means and the money is then converted to sbd/steem to pay the workers who participated on the minor jobs assigned to them earlier, by rewarding and paying the workers with sbd,/steem we are promoting the value of steem/sbd on the market.

Work Process/Payment process
A Client requests a service, #Project-Atlas admin/mod announces request, #Project-Atlas admin/mode choose qualified workers, and after work is done proof is sent to the client and when client is satisfied, #Project-Atlas admin/mod deliver sbd to workers who participated. (we are busy every day/Promoting steem/sbd)

#Project-Atlas The Road Map 2018/2019
The sole purpose of this project at this time is a test run of what the main project will be.

** A Freelancing website where workers get paid with steem/sbd for offering or doing minor jobs listed above.

With the arrival of smt everything gets much easier, a website that pays workers for doing minor jobs/Freelancing with the steem/sbd fiat.

This project is in beta mode, and we are calling on everyone to support and help promote this project as it is the first of its kind.
Whales/Dolphins/investors as we calculate and pay back profits
Delegating Steem power is not necessary or compulsory as a method of supporting this platform, you can support this Project #Project-Atlas by resteeming, writing an article about it, posting about how you feel and your perspective, help tell steemians about #Project-Atlas and join the community either to offer a job or as a worker.

Be a part of this awesome and growing community, offer small jobs to workers either on steemit and out of steemit or be employed for services requested by clients.
Let's get busy everyday Promoting sbd/steem

Calling out idealistic/Creative steemians, we are trying to build a team for #Project-Atlas who are hard-working, courageous, and can sacrifice time for this project to stand on its own feet.

Contact me on discord if you would like to partner, offer ideas, advice or to just be part of the Team.

Project-Atlas gets activated as soon as the community reaches a milestone of 500 users or more as this announcement is being made to get attention and to Grow the community to attract clients, we already have jobs from Records labels that are not on steemit to help trend their twitter post. I have to hold back for a while for the community to be capable of that or Decline if no swift response.

Let's get busy every day Promoting Steem/sbd out of the platform out of the map and back.
Support this project by joining the community here




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Lets make this work

**Tell them @daemon-nice sent ya

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