An Introduction: @cyber.explorer

...begin communication.. .. .. ..

I have been working on this introduction post for a little while. I am very self-conscious and critical of my writing, so I'm not even sure if I am going to post this on Steemit at all... but if you are reading this now, I guess I did.

I'm kind of new to Steemit, about mid October 2017, but I didn't really start using this site 'full-time' until this January.

Now, as I've gained 500 followers after just a few short months... I thought that I should introduce myself already.


I am a shy introvert with social anxiety and agoraphobia, and (a few) physical issues as well that currently keep me homebound.

Persistently confined and limited to the space within my house, I explore the world from my smart-phone, tablet, or laptop; and books, I love to read, mostly science fiction though.

I live in the middle of the USA, and I was brought to Steemit through my curiosity of cryptocurrencies and also following current events in science, technology, and world news in general. I keep returning to Steemit because of the cool, unique, and interesting things and people I encounter here. The community of #steemsilvergold has been exceptionally welcoming, and the #cryptoempire is also another great community I have found that are doing exciting things that I like to follow.

A few of my interests include drinking coffee, sci-fi films, astronomy, cosmology, robotics, collecting coins, and writing music. I also follow trends & topics related to computer science, artificial intelligence, space exploration, and medical advances to name a few.

Things to know about me:

I am an INTJ.

I have a diverse/progressive taste in music and art;
I like things that are creative, abstract, and surreal.

I watch anime,

I build Gundam,

and, I play the bass guitar.

I am a Transhumanist,

a Singularitarian,
a virtual citizen of Asgardia

image source & credit:

I currently live in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, but I was born and raised in Westchester County of New York State.

Before I was involved in a debilitating accident several years ago, I would have described myself as an active hiker/backpacker, mountain-bike enthusiast, or just a general outdoor/nature-person.

However, now, I am restricted form most of my previous active life by chronic pain and migraine headaches that leave me bedridden and cognitively fatigued for days (Lyme disease has been suggested). But, at least I have a tolerable internet connection that lets me "virtually" escape my confinement, when I am able, for a little while at least.

A few different jobs I have previously worked in the past:

I was a groundskeeper that did park, tennis court, pool, and playground maintenance for a parks and rec department in upstate New York. After moving to Colorado, I went into building computers and inspecting electronics with a semi-large national company, and finally, I worked as a wind tunnel technician, helping to research building designs and emissions for air quality concerns.

When I was a college student, I was studying computer science and astronomy.

I was also a performing musician locally for several years.

Then one night, on my way to work, just a simple slip in the snow changed my life... I received just enough of a spinal cord injury, that, while leaving me mobile or un-paralyzed, did cause me to have permanent neurological issues that make life unbearable at times. This is also complicated by the possibility of me acquiring Lyme disease too, while either working or hiking in the woods of New York.

Currently, I am usually stuck inside my house all day/everyday without much to comment about. however, I think, a few decades ago or so, my condition would have sucked a lot more for me, because I would have had to constantly rely on others to supply me with basic necessities. But now, I have (or can find) almost everything I need online, and delivered to my door, from food to furniture. If I lived in Japan, most people would probably consider me an otaku-hikikomori, which (to me) sounds a whole lot cooler then a disabled, nerdy-hermit...

I live with family members that sort of support (tolerate?) me. I don't have any real friends, either in real life or online, and I only leave my house now for medical appointments or therapy. Luckily(?) I was already an introvert, because at least I'm never lonely, and I am trying to do the best I can, with the resources I have, to empower myself with the help of technology.

I spend most of my time now, here on Steemit reading about your lives...!

I hope that I will get the chance to follow more Steemians, so I can learn and discover further new things about you, the world, and other stuff beyond my physical grasp. So please, reply to this post if you are like-minded and/or have similar interests, and I will check out your blogs/posts and follow you.
...anyway, this is about all I feel like sharing about myself for now. If you want to know more about me, I guess you could ask in the comments. I'll probably regret this tomorrow. But today is St. Patrick's Day, and I have had a beer or two already...


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Copyright 2018
Unless otherwise stated,
all photo sources: me, with LG G5 phone.

other image sources and/or credits:
Google / C.C. / Public Domain / labeled for reuse)


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