Who I Am And Why I Am Here.

I did an introduction video when I first got to this platform. But now that I am more fimular with DTube and Steemit I wish to let you guys know more about me and Why I am here. I have a YouTube channel and like many others I felt that not only are they tearing down that platform they no longer care about content creators unless they are huge.
I have just under 2K subscribers and it is slowly growing. They demonetize ALL of my videos by the time 20 people see it. This makes me upset as it does not matter what the video is about I can be talking about the sky, my cat, or sharing a heart felt experience with my audience. So I decided to start looking for a different platform. So when one of my subscribers told me about DTube I had to check it out. At first I thought to myself WOW this reminds me of YouTube when it first started. (I have had my channel for 10 years I just never really did anything with it until last year).
So I signed up. As I was waitng the 2 days it took for my account to be approved I looked around and got used to the platforms. I found out that not only was there this whole different area called Steemit but there were people actually communicating and voting. For each person that voted an amount was given. Each persons vote was worth a different amount. This intrigued me so I started to study why this was different. As I was looking around I also found that groups of people were focusing on some issues. There are many different issues but one that really drew my attention. And I felt it was time to let the word know my story.
You see I was a foster child. I was removed from my family (father and stepmother) when I was 12 years old. This was done because a false allegation that was made against my father by my teacher. I was removed from school that day and brought to the police station where I was not allowed to leave or given access to food the whole day I was only given 1 glass of water. They treated me like a criminal. They did not believe me when I told them nothing happened. I told them many times. When they lied to me and told me that all I have to do was tell them what happened and I can "go home" I thought I had to tell them what they wanted to hear. So I told them the lie they wanted. This was the worse mistake of my life. At that moment I ruined my family. Our family was to never be brought back together. Until I was an adult that is.
The rest of my childhood I was in the State Custody. I was put in danger many times, I was beaten by one foster parent almost daily, I was almost sold off by marriage in another, I was tossed out in the street, raped, and drugged.
I was put into the mental hospital and forced to take psychological drugs. I was housed in Juvenile Detention only because they did not have a foster home I can go to. I felt I was safer liking on the street than I was in a foster home.
At least I was in control of what happened to me there. I had to drop out of school, when I was with my family I never missed school but once I became a foster kid I did not go to school. They stold my childhood. I hated them for it.

As an adult I married my husband and we decided to become foster parents. (he was also in foster care when he was a child). We felt it was our way of giving back and we can understand what the children are going through. Boy we were WRONG We did care for each child that came to our home but we quickly saw that the state did not. They would quickly want each child to be put on psychological drugs and each time we would say that we did not see the need they would remove the child. There were a few times that we asked for a child to go see someone as they were showing signs on uncontrolled anger they would just move the child to a new foster home. They never dealt with any of the issues that came up. I was told that it was easier to just move the child and that not every child would be a good fit with our home. At the time it sounded reasonable however after so many children and the same things I started to really question that reason. So I started learning more about child psychology. And the more I learned the more things the case workers said and did made more sense. They DO NOT care about the children. I am sure when they get their degrees in social service they care but by the time I are taught how things really work they are so overwhelmed by it all they loose that caring and it just becomes another day to them. I am not saying what they do is right. All I am saying is I understand why. They are doing these things because they have to in order to keep their job.

I did go back to school and got my high school diploma that took 3 years as I did not want to get just a GED. I intended on going to college but life had other plans for me. I had my first daughter after a brief relationship with her father.
And my second with my current husband. When my oldest was 3 her biological father had only seen her twice in her life decided that instead of paying child support he wanted to file for custody. So he called C.P.S. on me and said there was no food in the house and my daughter was covered in bruises. You see my daughter had a dog and she loved her dog and her dog loved her. But she was still a puppy and still was learning to play. I had taken a video of her playing with her dog and the dog jumping around and my daughter was circling with the dog and she fell over and landed on her side and a few yard rocks. Each yard rock left a little bruise. The only reason the CPS worker believed this story was because I was filming it when it happened. this was our only saving grace. As far as food my shelves were stocked. He only said that to get them over there faster. I had CPS at my door 2 other times while my children were little but both were unfounded. About 6 months later my oldest went to bed and she rolled and fell out of her bed. The way she landed she broke her collar bone. Because we went to the hospital they reported a broken bone. Her father also tried using this to get custody. I had to take her to a child psychologist and they questioned her. (By the way if you ever have to do this you choose the doctor. NEVER go to their doctor). And that doctor gave me a report that I had to give the case worker. This was closed as well. During this time we went to court and I filed for custody as well and he was given the option to give up his rights so my husband can adopt her. He quickly signed as we agreed to remove all child support he owed. My husband adopted her that month. My husband was the only father she knows. He has been there since she was 9 months old. She does know he adopted her and does not care to ever meet her biological father. She does ask questions about him but that is all. We are honest with her.

The final time CPS was at my door was when she went into kindergarten. She had only started the year this was the first week of school and she came home and told me this little boy was looking up her dress. I went to the teacher and than the principal. And I was told well "boys will be boys". I than told her that I will be removing her from the school and I was told we can not do that. I told her watch me. I grabbed my daughter and went home. At 7 am the next morning I had a knock on the door. It was the school truancy officer with the CPS worker. They informed me that I had to have my child in school or I would be arrested and she would be removed. (total garbage and meant to fear me). I than informed both of them that I was in the process of sending the county my notice of intent. (which by law I have 30 days to do) AND I also reminded them that she was still only 5 and not legally required to be in school yet. They both left after I stated this.

As time goes by I will tell you guys in more detail about these things that have happened.
All of these reasons and than many more I have decided that the CPS beast needs to be stopped. And the only way this can be done is by letting the world know just how corrupted it really is. So this is why I have decided to join forces with #familyprotection to spread awareness and hope to one day put an end to their tyranny.
As I fully support the #familyprotection movement 25% of ALL the SBD generated for this post will be transferred to #familyprotection.
As always Thank you for taking the time to read this post. It means the world to me to finally have a place where I can speak openly and without fear or repercussion.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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