Neutrality In Chaos: Why I Joined Steemit

'ello Steemit community! I'm Crystal, just turned 19, trying to get over camera-shyness, and I have a borderline-unhealthy obsession with political sociology and chaos. Instead of choosing sides, I study them.

... if you haven't clicked off yet, thank you for wanting to hear more of what I mean by wanting to talk about a subject that is conversation taboo, right next to religion.

//ramble begin (I honestly didn't intend to write this much, but it's important for understanding how my mind works)

As the world and possible universe knows, the US of A is under massive discord, mainly centered around their President, Donald J. Trump. It's actually because of his presidential election that triggered my interest, with this being the first thing to come to mind:

- The left-wing of politics (Liberals, Democrats, "Alt-Left") views him as the worst president in history and is sympathised with most news networks, excluding Fox News. The right-wing of politics ("New Right", "Alt-Right", Republicans, Conservatives) has the shorter end of the stick when it comes to being respected by the media, as they are passionate about Making America Great Again, primarily with Fox News. They are often seen debunking anything that goes against the President. -

I know those are generalizations, and there are good and bad sides to each one and each side has their reasons for fighting. No one wants to be seen as the villain, so it's often two heroes that attack each other at full force thinking the other will destroy everything point-blank. Neither side is perfect either, which is a sad side affect of being human. Crimes are crimes, and crimes need to be dealt with appropriately, taking in as many factors as possible.

I want to help reveal a side that gets even less awareness than both sides. One that often sits in the sidelines while the Right and Left duke it out for who's more powerful and who's more correct: Moderates. Those in the middle of the political spectrum who agree and disagree with both sides to an extent. This may include minor parties, but its mostly of individuals. I'm what I see as a hardcore moderate: I cannot for the life of me stay on one side of a debate. Unless it has to deal with morality and humane common sense (don't kill others, don't steal, treat everyone with respect no matter their anything).

I spend most of my time researching controversial topics that are not widely understood. One could call these topics conspiracy theories, others call it alternative fact. No matter what it is called, it centers around the idea of seeing the world differently.

TL;DR: Politics is crazy, chaotic, and oh-so-amusing. The chaos is what keeps me going to understand how people think what they think and believe what they believe, and impacts of their actions.

My goal with my existence on Steemit is to publish my rambles about current affairs. If there's anything you don't understand with what I write, please comment below and I'll clarify. I'm not that good with talking, but I can't improve if I don't write about something I'm passionate about. ("Not that good" yet I write essays)

I'm be that person who follows the (hashtag)BlueWave and (hashtag)RedPill tags on Twitter, who has Infowars and CNN pages bookmarked because they piqued my interest (and they've been getting a lot of heat as of late). I watched as (hashtag)googlemanifesto protests were announced (and subsequently called off) last year, as executed protests like in Charlottesville went from peaceful to chaotic. I watch how the Earth is flat and compare it to why the Earth is hollow.

I believe that individuals should never be an entire group's representation. An individual's actions should only affect that individual, not their political group, racial group, religious group, or any other group. Of course, there are groups that want terror and fully admit it, those are exceptions as their actions are dangerous, and those actions are more times than not attached to their beliefs, so their beliefs are seen as bad. Beliefs always have a root; to be important, to be seen with respect and kindness, to belong to something that changes the world for the better. It's the actions that they do that make people like Nazis, ISIS, and the more controversial Antifa deserve the rep that they have. Human termination isn't right, using terror to move others isn't right, using any extreme measures that endangers other beings should never be considered when trying to solve a problem.
//ramble end

And there I go again with going off like that. I want to encourage others to share their controversial ideas and how to solve problems. I don't want to spread the "You're either with us or against us" ideology. I love watching civil, respectful debates about political and social issues... can we bring those back? Please? Sure, seeing others arguing their throats out in text and video is fun from the outside, but it's not that pleasant to be on either side of. I also want to make clear that these issues are not just with President Trump or politicians, the first thing that comes to mind is that similar issues are in the science community with who's the real

Aside of doing stuff like that essay, I enjoy following advocacy organizations, doing volunteer work, and listening to David Icke speeches. I give credit to where its due; I may not share the same vision he or many other alternative-information people do, but what he says is interesting. Censorship of any opinions, ideas, or thoughts is troubling, and there can't be freedom of speech if only one side gets the monopoly of speech rights. That goes for any side.

I also listen to music (mostly ambient for better concentration), read a lot, addicted to Pinterest, and aiming to be able to travel the world and explore. Besides politics and controversy/conspiracy, I may make posts about other topics as well, like different life hacks or random thoughts that come to mind, just not as often as articles about current affairs in the political scene or talking about/analyzing conspiracy theories in a more respectful light.

I am not naive; simply skeptic and neutral to the point of confusing others. Thank you for your time and I hope to improve and enjoy the site as I slowly find my way to become a full-time content creator, and others enjoy what I write on this wonderful site. I also have plans of making videos and posting them to dtube, more information that later.

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