Hello Hive

Hi everyone. I'm not sure what I'm doing here on Hive yet, but I'm sure I'll find my way around. A kind soul told me it was a good idea to do an official #IntroduceYourself post, so that's what I'm attempting today.

So... Hi, I'm Crystal. I like sunsets and long walks on the beach... just kidding... I live in Ontario, Canada. We don't have sunsets here. I mean beaches. Actually we have both, but it's all very distant and cold.


I'm an independent musician. I write and record from home a lot. My music is pretty different, more art than entertainment. Now here's the part where I try to figure out how to post a YouTube video in this blog... my guess is link?

Oh I think that worked! Hope you enjoy.

I also create sigils. I really enjoy this form of meditation and actualization. I like to maintain some child-like magic in my life. I am really fascinated by the magic of the universe, sort of obsessed really. Time, space, gravity, holographic reality, Mind, Will, God— these subjects fascinate me endlessly. I love the work of Itzhak Bentov, Ram Dass, Joe Dispenza, Robert Monroe, Wim Hof, Nikola Tesla, etc.

I have two dogs. Angelina the Chiweenie has been with me for 15 years now. She came with me from Texas to Canada. She's very old. She is going deaf and blind and had a terrible doggy stroke almost two years ago, (vestibular disease is the medical term), so she's a little loopy. However, her will to survive and thrive is pretty unbelievable. She impresses the hell out of me.

DJ is a black Belgian Malinois, and he's new to our family. He was born and trained as a military working dog in Belgium, speaks Dutch, and he was a police officer in California for a while before making his way up to Ontario and eventually to me and my husband last Fall. He is an amazing fellow. Mals are incredibly powerful and intelligent dogs. I'm very lucky to be his new dog mom.

Here they are looking derpy for noms...

IMG_20201031_094926~3 (1).jpg

Not the best pic in terms of quality, but I love it anyway.

Well this is long enough. I look forward to meeting all the interesting people here and posting more. Hope you all have a great week! ♥

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