Attention Crypto Noobs have landed on Steemit! This is my story so far :)

Hi steemit community!

'Life is a Journey not a Destination'

Allow me to introduce name is Samuel.....S to the A M.... ok I will stop now haha.
Im in my late 20s and live in London I would say that I am an average guy that enjoys most things people my age would enjoy (I think)

sam on anthonys nose.jpg


(Examples of average guy stuff lol)

My story is currently I am a temporary worker for an events agency and have been doing this for a few weeks now. My last full time position was in an investment bank in NYC and yes I miss NYC like the girlfriend I almost had and when I say almost had I mean the girlfriend you were supposed to spend the rest of your life with. (im half smiling and half frowning right now)
Since graduating from university 5 years ago I have worked within banks at retail and commercial level. I thought I was set for life when I embarked on a journey to NYC to gain investment banking experience and a post-grad qualification but upon my return to London late last year I have struggled to find work. I have had a lot of interviews for various positions but still have not been able to secure a role in my last field which was Electronic Foreign Exchange sales/client services.

It has been a tough road for me where I have been struggling to come to terms with my reality and knowing that the longer that I am out of employment the harder it will be finding a job in my field. I have been in some really dark places recently and was depressed for a long time as I feel/felt ashamed of not being able to land a job with all my experience and qualifications. I have even lost some friends as I have gone weeks without speaking to people and not replying to messages due to how I was feeling. I was really angry at the world and felt like I had failed in life. After my last rejection (2 weeks ago) from another final stage interview I actually broke down and cried (in my bedroom) some may say that I was being weak or being a P***y but I can't help the way I was feeling at time and all the emotions I was going through.

One of my closest friends realised I was in a bad spot and in an attempt to cheer me up he came over and we spoke about a lot of stuff. One of those things happened to be Ethereum and I was blown away and surprised I never heard of this sooner.
Like most people I had heard of Bitcoin but didn't really know too much about it or the value of it, hence why I chose to call myself Crypto Noobs haha.

Once we spoke about it and I got introduced to the world of Cryptocurrencies it was just like I got that light bulb in my head and I immediately bought some Ethereum for the long term and recently purchased some Lisk. Having worked in the finance world I see how these will become of value in the future. I've already been told on youtube that I have already missed the ETH boat but I don't give a damn and I am sure it will go up in the future so that's why i'm holding and hopefully will be buying more.

I found out about steemit via youtube so I thought I will create an outlet for people like me who are new in the game can come and gain easy and digestible info about the cryptocurrency world without feeling they need to be an expert trader to even have a chance at making money and also create a space where no question is a stupid one because we are noobs lol.
It looks like my situation has allowed me to discover something new which if I had a full time job it may have taken me longer to realise what this is and also at this point I have nothing really to lose.

So my invitation to you is to join me on my journey into the crypto world and learn with me and also help one another to learn about it, make good connections and make some Money!!

My Goal will be to post something new that I learn every day no matter how big or small and give some analysis on how some coins are performing and any massive news that may affect the coins. I will not just limit my content to that because there is obviously more to life but it will be a process and I will be talking about depression and pressures of modern day society in the future.

So the 'cryptic' message (get it?! lol) behind this intro to CryptoNoobs is no matter what you're going through and how shit things have become don't give up on life because something that could change your whole outlook maybe just around the corner, just be open to the possibility. (I hope that makes sense)

I know this is probs a long intro but I've never done this before and its easier for me to type this, sorry if I went overboard I just hope reading this may have changed your outlook. I am also open to feedback and tips or tricks you can give me so feel free to comment :)

Please sub to my YT as I will start to create more crypto related posts. I currently have 6 subs and would love to have 15 by the end of the month.

YT: @skipatron1 (might need to change that to get a more consistent feel lol)

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this it means a lot to me. I really look forward to getting to know the steemit community and following you guys on your journeys too.

Stay seeking light,


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