Please allow me to introduce myself...

No, my name isn't Hov, I'll let Jay-Z keep that title...for a bit that is :)

So who am I exactly? I am a cryptocurrency enthusiast that believes we are at (what I believe to be) the single biggest leap in technology the world has ever seen. In history, we look at the invention of fire, the wheel and the factory assembly lines as some of the largest leaps forward the world has encountered. We are at the precursor of the next, and it’s going to be huge.

With Blockchain technology, IOT (Internet of Things), upcoming 5G wireless (projected speeds of 1g+ download) all intersecting at the same point of time – the leap from where we are and where we will go is one that the average person cannot fathom.

Masayoshi Son, the current CEO of Softbank has predicted that he believes that a single individual could own as many as 1,000 IOT devices and the growth of connected devices could grow to as many as 1 trillion! Incredible growth and with 5G wireless broadband just a few years away to help usher in this growth, I can see this as a reality.

True, this is just one man’s prediction and an even better question is ‘How does blockchain even play into all of this?’ For me, it’s simple. We have already seen paper forms our grandparents and parents relied upon being phased out and replaced with online submission forms and apps, wired telephone lines have been replaced with cell phones, the standard PBX system replaced by VoIP phones, mailed letters replaced by email, text messaging and apps, heck even metal keys are being phased out with Bluetooth fobs – so what’s next? Banking? Stock markets? The list is long and do we really think those new replacements will not advance further? Of course not. We are moving to an all-connected world. Everything, everywhere on the same main-net, interacting beautifully and masterfully.

Now, with everything connected as one – do we all REALLY trust the internet in its current form to protect us? To keep our data and sensitive information safe from hackers? Blockchain has a solution for that. And what about our beloved FIAT currency? Well, ask Zimbabwe how it feels to be a starving billionaire. Ask Venezuela how confident they are in their bolivar. Where do I believe cryptocurrency will be? Look to Japan. Listen, I get regulations are ‘coming’ – but the world has already spoken, FIAT in its current form is dying. Blockchain has a solution for that, and in my opinion the regulators know, understand and respect this.

Truth be told, we need change…and change needs us. My main goal is to share my opinions, based on fact and limited in speculation and help you, me and all of us discover what exactly to expect, what the possibilities are, and what upcoming projects have the best chances for success.

IOT, 5G and Blockchain – these will be the 3 single biggest technology advancements ever seen in human history. Greatness awaits us!


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