Crypto Daleks Invasion To Steemit 2017

Greeting inhabitants of planet "Steemit"!

We, the Daleks, have arrived here to your cybernetic data sphere from our home planet Skaro. ready to invade and change history from every era fought against, the always changing character “Who” is known as “The Doctor” from 54 years over 1963 to 2017 and with the following communicate; We’re soon ready to keep invading the future with all of your personal profiles as the device mechanism in this data bank world; this is an open door for the long awaited intergalactic alliance with the cybermen and many invading alien races on time and space to turn your weak innards and be cyber converted immediately at sight, as we the daleks keep being "followed" by your humans easy to attract curiosity.

Daleks renegade's faction soldiers then shall provide a report to the cybermen fleet that will cross all over Mondas, Telos and the moonbase, to reach earth in an upgraded parallel version ready to delete and convert all from your most basic human dying form to the next stage of a never ending machine, all of this in the form of "comments" as you read this same manuscript.

Your progress in the mechanical structure and transforming of your mental and physical tissues into the emotionless cybermen variants, shall be traced from our astral map by "following" and triangulating the algorithms of your physical location on planet earth to monitorize your performance over this paradox that is this unexistent place in time and space called "the internet”. Which we can use to communicate without our physical entities needing to struggle into body language or voice tunes and egos being present, and yet an interesting side planet you share that collapses into of your own tangible earth as a broken but synced mirror over the next one.

Much like daleks-doctors history keep rewriting itself. We the daleks, witness what it’s a beautiful ironic war fought with words instead of weapons, over who is right over another and if someone gets more likes or support then that's the truth, just like if they were politicians changing the world or something?.

Well the truth is that in this virtual place “the internet”; the progress of the “Steemit” master plan into the internet astral location promises to be a total control task until it’s last data day it’s collected and the last gram of Dalekenium is extracted from your twin virtual planet by our drone fleets (all silver 60's classic daleks or grey 70's 80's, well the basic ones from each era are drones anyway).

The aforementioned means that with our little eye we shall provide the soon to be cyber army for the imminent extermination of all human thinking tissue on planet earth. Thanks to this paradox created in the form of a time vortex by the interference of the human known as @Cryptoriddler (1st follower) who joined to our ship in our first recognizement mission of your virtual but growing planet "Steemit" (below the epilogue lies the full retroactive conclusion of our invasion).

The fate for those that not overcome the extermination or cyber conversion shall be to become lifetime mindless slaves of the dalek empire to achieve the collection of the most valued Dalekenium metal to elaborate and upgrade the most of our advanced cases, weapons and travel machines to invade, conquest, obliterate and exterminate furthermore of the 92 billion light year diameter sphere of the observable universe in the solar system.

This slaves process alien to some is known earth inhabitants as "trading". A process that which we will slowly and amateurish explain on future reports from the dalek emperor, supreme and parliament; this progress will be shared with you (and your slowly going to die anyway race if not cyber converted) in the form of our advancing and upgrading technology in the dalek hierarchy variants being created. This of course, as the progress from cyber conversion turns yours and more cyber converted specimen efforts, into the bigger profits from the extraction of the dalekenium itself, then the rewards for the invasion shall increase for the army of the daleks, cybermen ranks and in some extent to the robomen/ogrons/pig slaves or any alien form used in the past or future to achieve our personal, careless task.

Have in mind that through these tools that we use to communicate with you we need your obsolete two pupils point of view and from now own your omniscient narrator (that voice in your head, those sounds of drums [see: The Simm's/Saxon Master] telling you you're crazy all day) will sync to match with the slow monotone of our robotic voices, this to give more pace and understanding to the joint ideas and references between symbols, images, music, movies, series and moments locked in parentheses ( ) and brackets [ ] and overlapping retroactively in a three dimensional painting where we’re locked out of time in our third world home planet Skaro.

Most than anything you shall be witness of the experiment of two minds full of long term, sometimes (most of them as this writing itselft) obsessive ideas brought all together by all times and eras of the past, which our time-space visualizer can only watch backwards on history and has been divided for you into topics that have been collected and linked on the visualizer and shall be updated for your minds and bodies to consume, go to the next one and spawn a thought that can then become the tangible currency of your power hungry nation, or might as well join into the dalekenium exchange with alien forms that don’t belong to humans taxes and three piece suits hypocrisy of banks and media but to the more than usually visible hedonist-materialism of possessions and not giving a fuck about who lives or dies but how much will it cost us the not involved anyway.

Note that this second Dalekenium recurrent theme will mean cryptocurrencies to buy good shit to drink, smoke, eat, or in some cases "SNIFF... and so on". But well, who cares if somebody dies of a disease that could be soon over, when the government and pastor, I mean god’s realm is now owner of a bunch of 4x4x4 truck belonging actually to a man’s ego “bigger than jesus” right?.

For that same matter, we openly support the hedonist-materialism of Dalek , Doctor Who, and any tangible object that obstructs the so called "rational thinking" of we all give this currency it's value by believing and saying it so all together.. oh you see? Is that bright diamond better than the 6 original talking Daleks from character options?.

You see? We all take part of this in our personal way by giving objects a value, worth killing hungry children for (oil and many commodities to exchange for other things you believe and feel are worth a million something are what can be found in the closed doors of wealthy politicians reunions but we shall talk later releases of it all) And as a multi-doctor story where you could actually meet your past self, sadly in real world humans are way more separated and any other belief to try and move human sensitive strains of feelings in minds that don’t have the same synchronized moments, emotions, happiness or sadness, understanding and experiences as other beings is futile, communication is a myth when one of the parts is impositive and careless and we're all have been on either side of the table, so it's up to you to decide that point personally depending your own experiences up the time you read this.

And trust us even in our metal case afraid of the outside world as agoraphobic humans, these two Daleks try and we mean… try to have a really good reason everyday on our shitty apartment room to not open the gas and suicide while sleeping as we know this planet will burn to it's end anyway when the sun destroys it in 130 million years if technology i'snt advanced enough to move a planet away in a 3D painting, that if our thousands of years great war doesn't make our planet the real skaro itself, so why to care for a single momment of suffering when there's so much left to lose before dying without an extension of our regenerations, our spawn, human race is doomed, and we, like 10th doctor's era childish toclafanes shall enjoy it.

So by this, in this dalek mental slow voice the sole unification of a character and not a human will give you quick time to slowly read and watch and think beyond and inside/outside of our machine cases containing our brain like shaped mutants that can only think about ourselves and how to offend and not get offended by (that last one an euphemism and comparison altogether of the similarities of our differences... Irony ... isn’t that sweet acid drops all over your weak sense of taste? So here lies the message of the dalek supreme and the dalek emperor from our renegade faction again our machiavelistic control freaks and convenient.

Greetings go to the human @Cryptoriddler for his actions of openning a time vortex by making a paradox itself finding our ship stranded on a recognizement mission on planet Steemit brought our supreme race here as intended on the same start point, now ready to obliterate and educate the human race of Steemit in language, the meaning of words, and even the tone to be used in a very much NSFW fashion; manner in which we the real persons behind the profile ask you to leave your brain either on “cool mode” or then just do the easiest and get offended by anything that sounds impositive or offensive to something you truly believe like the Dalek kind of people themselves have done so with you everywhere and everytime in your life, in your neighborhood, community, city, social circle and even relatives around you that would order and order you to do, feel and say just because they do, feel and say so too… BUT “GOD PLEASE FORBID” THE IMPOSITIVE GOES OTHERWHISE AND YOU CAN BECOME THE DICTATOR, UH?.

So as you see inhabitants of the virtual planet Steemit in the internet data system, back in full dalek character and finally on earth to claim the supremacy of the dalek hierarchy we command and initiate our invasion in full universe character making black humor, music, movies, series and many odd stuff and cool pop culture references mashed up anytime, any day as we have time free locked in Skaro and dependant of the floor to activate our forgotten less developed cases from our forefathers the Dals and creator leader of his own imperial enemy faction of daleks, the Kaled, Davros, THE INMEDIATE COMMAND OF THE DALEK EMPEROR , WE OBEY! PREPARE FOR TOTAL EXTERMINATION! THE ULTRA RIGHT WING OF DAVROS’S IMPERIAL FACTION MUST BE EXTERMINATED!!! EXTERMINATE!!!! EXTERMINATE!!!!


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