Hi Everyone - its my first post!


Hi Steemians!

I hear it's customary to post a bit about yourself - as a first post - so here it goes...

About me:

I'm a young man based in the wonderful city of London. 25 years old to be precise. I've been married for almost 2 years now and we now have a beautiful baby girl.


I work as an Actuary within the FinTech industry. I am at my second company post university and I've recently been promoted. I am now the youngest person to ever occupy this position within my company. The pic at the top is the view from workplace.


I'm relatively new to trading Crypto and unfortunately I never mined it. I came across it around April 2017 but only bought in around October 2017. I've made wonderful trades and sustained painful losses. I've got a better feel for the market and I've learnt many lessons. Hopefully I'll be able to share some in my subsequent posts.

I'm now quite heavily invested into a few ICOs, especially for coins that I intend to HODL. This just feels like the best way to buy into any coins I think will be successful in the future.

What now?

So I'm new to the platform but not completely new to crypto. So now I'm trying to share knowledge, lessons and personal thoughts via various social media platforms. My stuff isn't perfect nor is it financial advice, but it's a direct peek into my mind. If you're interested in joining me on this journey, then share / follow / subscribe to my channels:



You'll be hearing more from me :)
Thanks for reading!

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