who am i ? i will introduce myself a little bit!

Hii ! My name is Bryan and i found steemit thanks to @jerrybanfield

I can't wait to tell friends about steemit!
It's a awesome concept from my perspective and i think that its fun on short term but also on long term!

I always thought its a waste of time to be active on social media without reaching something with it.

Now i can tell about my life and not waste time.
10 times beter then Fb.

1,5 year ago i started with mlm in cryptocurrency. First i thought its a waste of time and money but my mother convinced me to join her to a presentation. like ok why not, i have nothing to loose.

So i went to the presentation and honestly, i fell asleep.. untill they showed me a video about a bank. in the video you see a explenation about the blockchain for employees and they literally said that if they dont come up with something beter or compairable to the blockchain, people are gonna loose jobs.

That woke me up. Ok something is happening with the companies, we call "banks" then i looked at the tradeable currency's these days and where does all the money goes ? everything gets more expensive (inflation) but we dont get more money, why ? because more money gets printed everyday, it doesnt have a real value anymore.

If the richest family would share their money with the whole world, everybody would get 70 milion...
But what happens then? money doesnt have a real value for the people anymore so we dont have to work so hard just to survive. can we afford that and take the responsibilty to take care off the world without fuckin it up even more?

But yeah thats probably never gonna happen.

Thats why i see cryptocurrency as a chance to teach people about it and take control of their own money. we trust the banks with our money but they invest it and what do we get back ? not even 1% a year.

So i started learning about multi level marketing and cryptocurrency. i see it as a chance to get financialy independent with friends and have fun while we grow a team together! thats the goal in life right ? have fun with friends and survive without unnecessary stress .

the first cryptocurrency i was introduced to was Onecoin. if you ever heard about it, let me know what you think about it!

The concept is smart because they first want to make the coin a user coin. introducing the coin by selling educational packages to the people and give the coin a real value. that maybe sounds weird because we'r not on the market yet but if you start a cryptocurrency and people are not guided by learning about it, then they will only try to profit from it. by multi level marketing we educate eachother. learning and grow the organisation with ambitious people who also like to start with a cryptocurrency, thats not on the market yet with 3,3 milion users. makes the community stand behind the cryptocurrency before people can use it 100%.

If you like to learn more about it with a free acount in my team:


theres also a dealshaker platform where you can buy and sell products as individual or company

after onelife i started looking at more opportunities. mining, trading, alt coins and bitcoin ofcourse. i was not on the boat with the bitcoin raise but its not te late !

I saw alot of mining programmes but ended up with hashflare ! the program works for me now, it pays me everyday bitcoin and it gives no stress. you dont have to do anything, with the reinvest option you are even able to compound daily without paying real attention to it.

but hashflare has a limited stock on bitcoin mining contracts so you wont be able to compound very long with bitcoin anymore. still other coins available to mine like ethereum, zec and scrypt.

can check it out for free here:


so, i started looking for something else. because i want to mine bitcoin on a long term for stable income and take my risks with trading.

I start doin more research on Usi Tech. they have a good background and are working with long term visions . not only visions because they already have their white paper ready about tech coin !

.Gonna bring their own coin on the market
.Great multi level marketing program
.Your able to mine bitcoin and soon ethereum
= Able to create stable income and financial independency together.

So its a mine/trade + multi level marketing platform with a coin coming up. I like this concept, but there are still people who dont. Even they will join when they see that theres alot of interest in the concept. the coin is also gonna come and tokens for the coin are already available.

No doubt, USI-Tech is my program on a long term base.

You can check this out for free, directly in my team:


Im also trading coins on Binance. The first trade platform i started on and the best one i was able to use. no complaines until now ! no crashes, no coins stolen, perfect.
binance acounts are not able to make right now but i will still post the link,maybe in the future its possible again:


Combining with coinexchange, its a little bit slower because it has alot of coins to trade and has sometimes some isseus because of that but is still worth it. i taught acounts are not available anymore but still the link:


Now we are building a international team with ambitious people !
Where we educate people about money these days, blockchain, bitcoin, alt coins, mining, trading, building your own team and taking control of your own life and "money.

And there was Steemit all of a sudden, i started looking at it and wauw, its like all in one! share your life and not waste time with it thats whats i needed in social media! great idea, good work.

In the future we are gonna post videos and blogs about almost everything you can think off with our team!

We are motivating people to share their talents and do something with it even tho its not perfect !

It doesnt matter, as long as you dare to be yourself.

There are people who will like you for who you are and dont want to change you.

We live in a society where we have to addapt ourself to the people and the companies where we need to work/for if we want succes" .

We shouldnt try to change people, we should look at their talents and what their dreams were now and as a child.
Have more respect for each other and live with each others differences.

Its all about money and thats why i dont like it. it ruines reallly much in this world.
We gotta work together and make life easier for each other not harder .

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world.
The unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.

Stay real to yourself and others.

Now im gonna stop typing because im very tired.

Dont hesitate to ask questions, im here to help and work together.

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