Cryptobrewmaster Intro


Update - Study - Brew - Increase - Sell - Repeat - Get a market share - Earn Crypto


Cryptobrewmaster is an economic strategy on the steem blockchain. In this game you develop your own brewery, study, have economic relationships with other players. Luck and entrepreneurial skills are also involved!


%steemusername browses homebrewing forums, finds a recipe and brews his very first beer. After this he decides to leave his main job and becomes a brewer-entrepreneur.

%steemusername spends all his money for a home brewing system and a basic homebrewing course. Weeks after his kitchen turns into a home brewery. wort boils all the time. Aroma of malt and hops remains even at night, when he sleeps.

The beer turns out to be quite good. The local club of beer lovers spreads the word around the district, that a mega-talented home brewer appeared in the "Beersville". So the beer sells like a delicious cheesecake in the local coffee shop in the morning. So %steemusername is on his way to expand production. But now he discovers the lacks of knowledge, confidence, finances and entrepreneurial skills.

Which way will %steemusername go?

Is %steemusername going to spend time and money on training or invest in new equipment? Or perhaps signs an agreement with the local craft brewery and starts beer production on a contract basis.

In any case, the road will be interesting. Not everyone can get out of these "beer rat races" successfully.

Why the beer game

beer 3.jpg

USA сraft beer market has been developing since late 1960-s. It all started because people got sick of drinking "all the same tasteless liquid" called lager and started to brew their own beer at home and in the garage.

Nowadays it's more than 7000 craft brewers operating in the USA, having something like 13% of the beer market of the country. Also we should mention the number of homebrewers, which is around 1 million people according to American Homebrewers Association report. A variety of craft beers can blow out the brains of any beer lover anywhere in the world.

Being a huge fans of an American craft-beer scene authors and a developers of @cryptobrewmaster Andrew Kysil (@rollie1212) and Artem Starikov (@beertourism) started their own craft brewery (Collider Brewery) in 2012 and worked until 2014, currently in 2019 Collier Brewery is in relaunch period.

This game is a way of sharing their passion for beer brewing mixed with troubles and all the different issues the brewer-beginner going to head up with, during his path.

Another idea goes like this:

Crypto = A bit of anarchy = Craft Beer

Pre-crowdfunding Era Started

  • Currently working on Game Mechanics
  • Board Game mechanics

Be cool, join our team!

We need volunteers:

  • Board Game Geeks (currently we are working on a mechanics for a board game, which is going to be a prototype for a blockchain game and in the future your any ideas on the cards, skills, mechanics, units, regulations, etc would be helpful!)
  • Beer Lovers - joining and supporting us by spreading the word on the web is priceless
  • SP Deleators- Supporting the community by the high vote value is a must!

Join our discord server for staying in touch with the team members, and getting quick news on a project!


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