Blob's arrival

We look like Fungus, but we are not.
We act like animals, but again, we are not.

We are one, but we are legion
We seem to be brainless, but we use tactics

We have many sexes but we seek no mate
We are one and many and we have only two goals : Survive and expand

All means will be used for those goals, therefor here in crypto we shall convert, stake, buy, sell, collect, use, transform, consume and assimilate.

Some replicators would have said, resistance is futile, we do not say such things, you are nor ennemy nor friends, we are not here to compete, just to grow and survive.

We are no fighters, we take empty places
We are one and many ... We're here to stay.

And we salute you all.

The Crypto Blob experience begins.

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