Introduction: Who is Cryptic Gamer? The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Who is Cryptic Gamer? The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

I thought I would take a moment to properly introduce myself.

Why did I join Steemit?

My reason for joining Steemit is quite simple, I really like Steem Monsters.

Since I needed to have a Steemit Account to play, I figured why waste?

I really only want to add value on here, any earnings I get on here will probably go straight into Steem Monsters.

Over time I will also do some giveaways, I started running some on Facebook, Twitter and decided to add Steemit to my list as well.

My focus here on Steemit will be 90% Crypto Gaming.

So who exactly am I?

5. Willie Theron.png


The Good

In this section it will feel like I am boasting, But I do not feel like I am, this will make more sense later.

I believe that a person can only truly be happy if they are satisfied in 5 spheres of life.

Those are Intellectual, Emotional, Physical, Financial and Spiritual.

So in order to answer the good about myself, I want to answer them in context of those 5 spheres.


I started studying to become a programmer, never completed my degree, never stopped learning. I spent most of my early 20's pushing myself.

When I turned 21 I started freelancing for a Web Development Company, by the time I was 24 I had taken over the company.

Over the last 5 years I developed my own style of Artificial Intelligence programming. This style I developed has allowed me to become a finalist in South Africa's biggest Artificial Intelligence Competition for 3 years in a row.
In about a month from now I am going to Comic Con to partake as a finalist for my 4th year.


I am currently working on a Crypto Collectible Card Game where Card Graphics are generated by Math (Anime Styled 2D graphics). This is still in early stages of development, but if I succeed I am confident it will rival the best of Crypto Games.


Somehow I managed to achieve Financial Freedom for the first time at the age of 26. I say first time because I completely messed things up. I had saved up about 40 months of my living expenses, I was earning what I lived from passively.
Then I did the one thing that I believe kills any progress in life, I upgraded. I raised my living expenses and after 1 year and 5 months I had managed to burn through everything. I had become broke.

In January of 2019, I decided to move back into a smaller place, and I am back to being financially free.

Some stats:

  • I earn my rent and basic needs from passive income.
  • I own a Web Development company, with a few hundred clients, which generates extra income.
  • I currently have some government contracts for work
  • Quite interestingly, I can make a living by playing Crypto Games alone.

I hit a Crypto Game called Prospectors quite hard, and I am currently one of the top earners on it.
I am also earning from a few other games. But Prospectors is by far my top earner.

If I had to put this into context, Most days I earn over $100 gaming. In some areas of the world that might not be a big deal, but where I live it can really do a lot (South Africa).

I am free. I have a stable enough income to live comfortably, but I also have freedom of time.



I am lucky, When I was 21 years old I met the girl of my dreams. We have been together for the last 7 years and never had a fight, never even had an argument. We do disagree and have debates, but nothing ever heats up.

People always say, one day. But I am convinced that our relationship will always be healthy.

Besides her, few things matter to me emotionally, and I am extremely lucky and happy to have the Partner I have



Theres not much to say here, this is pretty much my weakness. I can still run a mile, I am my ideal body mass, I have a sixpack.

I am also a member of my Local Dojo where I train Shitō-ryū, It is still early, but I am only a Green Belt.

I try and exercise at least 1 hour a day but fail often. I am hoping that a Skyrim Playthrough in VR will push my exercise up a lot.



I live by numbers, but when it comes to Spirituality my conclusion is quite clear. I would rather take a 1% chance and believe in something bigger than myself, than to dedicate myself to something that has no real significance. I am at peace.

The Bad

Though life is quite well, there has been a lot of pain on my Journey.

I cannot really say I have friends in life. Outside of my life partner. Probably because I do not really like going out. Behind my computer I feel like a king.

The problem is I am introvert and sort of addicted to the lifestyle I have. If I leave my house for a few hours I soon find myself wishing I was home.

It is also not a case where I am Socially Awkward. I just get homesick really fast. I like to turn invites down.

Now in my past I also had some hardships.

I come from a broken home, When I was 15 I had to relocate and lost everything I valued. There was also a time in my life when Suicide was an active thought.

I also had a season of "Poverty" Where I had days where I did not eat because I simply had no food, nor money to get any. I sometimes had 1 bread to live on for a week. I lost a lot of weight in that season.

Now I admit, I did have people in my life I could go to for help. I was just stubborn and determined to do it on my own.

These were some bad, but ultimately they all guided me to where I am today. They had an important part to play.

As great as the high points in my life has been, I have also seen some low points.

But I also believe that these low points allowed me to get to the place I am today, and therefore I am grateful.


The Ugly

Now you might be thinking: So with everything in life going so well, what could possibly be Ugly?

About 7 months back, January 2019, I was working one morning when I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my Chest.
I walked into the hall of my house and the pain pulled me to the ground.

The pain subsided, I pulled myself together. I was shaken up and went to the hospital.

Tests showed everything was fine. They told me I probably had an anxiety attack. Which was not unlikely at the time,
Three days later I tossed the pills because I believed the diagnoses was nonsense. Turned out I was right.

5 Months Later, I was sitting and working, I had been fine for 5 months, and the same thing happened again.

Having some experience with it. I focused on it a lot more and after a week of recurring episodes I went to see a Doctor to try and find out what was going on.

By this time I had discomforts in most of my joints, my face changed color, I felt pressure everywhere and I had pains in a few organs. I was also completely hunched while walking.

I had been diagnosed with Polycethemia Vera. A rare disorder that causes a person to produce too much blood. My iron levels were also too high.

More tests are being done, because even with treatment my system has not normalized, and I am still experiencing discomforts and pains internally.

Now I will not speak about this on here much. But it helps add some context into my life.

So that is a part of who I am,
I am a 28 Year old,
I am financially free, but will never retire,
I am an extremely good Programmer,
I have the most amazing life partner and friend I could ever ask for,
I am living my dream life.

And there is a chance that I am dying...

Going forward on Steemit, 90% of my content will be Crypto Gaming related,

I will also try to not waste your time, as I understand how valuable it really is.

That is The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of my life.

Hoping to enjoy my time here, Cryptic Gamer

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