Just a young Croatian teen passing by...

Hello, Steemit. I'm Stjepan. It's a weird name I know, but I come from a small European country Croatia so I guess it's not that weird. It's still weird for you guys, but not here in Zagreb. Am I talking too much?

This is me. If you didn't figured that out already.

What can I say about myself? Hmm, let's see. As I already said, I come from Croatia so please don't be too harsh on my English. It's better than most of my fellow Croatians. I think...
I train boxing so you don't want to mess with me because I already got used to getting punched :D

Also, I just turned 18 in October and I'm a grown up now! Except, I would probably die of hunger without my parents...
When I'm not boxing, sleeping, eating or going out with my friends, I'm making graphic designs. I'm not sure if I'm good or not but other people say I am not bad. Maybe they're lying. Probably. Most definitely.
Also, here is a picture of me as a kid. I don't know why's that necessary but I just felt like putting in on here. The time hasn't been nice. I mean, I was cute back then. Who would've known?


I still don't know what am I going to post on here but I guess time will tell. Maybe something about sports, losing weight or something like that. Something I experienced. Even though I am young I have a lot to say. I do live in Croatia after all.

One thing I do know is that I am very excited to be a part of Steemit. I love connecting with other people, especially when those people are far, far away from me. Hopefully I'll learn something. About life and what not.

I guess that's all from me for now. I quite enjoyed writing this. That's not something I tell often. So I guess you're all lucky to be witnessing this.

Vidimo se uskoro! (Croatian for "see ya soon")

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