
Hello steemians! My name is Syron Christian Cortes. I'm 23 years old. I live in Alcoy, Cebu, Philippines.

Me, myself and I.


I am the oldest and only son of the family. We live in a very simple life. We are just poor but we have big dreams.At an early age, i become a father. I was still student that time. Many critiziced us and say many words that are not good to hear. They say we are too young for that situation. It's true but i dont give a damn. It is what it is. That situation motivates me to study hard and finish my school so that i can find a job and support my baby. With prayers and hardwork and with the help of my Great parents. I finished school and my baby was born. She was like a trophy for me. A gift and reward.
Now my baby is turning 4 years this year.
This is the photo of my baby with her mother.


My dream was to become a successful seafarer someday.


But money is my big problem. I am not able to apply to an international companies beacuse i had no money. I was not able to take the licensure exam because i have no money for the review. I'm currenty working in a domestic shipping company with low salary. I'm already 2 years working here. I had no choice. I cannot stop working because i am supporting my family. But im still hopeful and i know that someday my prayers, hardworks and sacrifices will payoff and i can give my family a better life.. For me life is not a race. Life is not a competition. As long as you are doing good, it's alright. They say that God has always a better plan for us..

Everyday i feel bored because i'm far from my family. Steemit comes in to my life. My friend @bigmike420 encourage me to join steemit so that i will not be bored and at the same time i can earn money.. And now i'm very happy being a part of this steemit family.. Thank you for being a part of this.
Go @steemit ! Support @steemit!

Thank you for reading. God bless everyone!

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