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Amazon trawler fishing

So come and meet a prehistoric monster fish from the Amazon Rainforest is popularly known by the same name or Amazon Rainforest can reach 20 kg and reach 1 m in length.

Geographic distribution

Its species is distributed in Amazonas, Pará, Mato Grosso and São Paulo.


Trairão inhabits shallow waters with antlers, logs, reeds and grass, in backwaters of rivers, lagoons and dams, always ambushing their prey.


It is a piscivorous fish (feeds on other fish), very voracious.


The mating period runs from September until April or May of the following year. Trairão digs nests in the earth from the bottom of the water in which it lives. Its eggs are produced in installments, forming layers and being permanently protected by couples.


Trairão is a larger scale fish than the traíra. It has cylindrical body. Its color is almost black, on the back, the flanks are grayish and the belly is whitish. It usually lives with several individuals, however, not forming large shoals. It can reach 20 kg and reach 1 m in length.

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