Official Introductory Post

Why am I making my so called "Official Introductory Post?"

The reason for aking my official introductory post is because I sucks on my very first couple of days posting 😁, I have entered the steemit not knowing how the community works and how should I do my works. With these reasons I am now here reposting my "Official Introductory Post". Hope you'll like it 😊

Hi !! I'm Zairos Maranan Aguado from the Philippines. I joined the steemit community last January 10, 2018 (7 days ago). I am a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology student from the Philippines. I don't have any brother nor sister, My parents took 7 years of marriage since I was born in a cesarean section. 21st of January year 1996 when the beautiful island on Mindoro in the Philippines hears my first cry. Couple of years after I was given birth my parents, they have transfer to the province of Laguna (still in the Philippines) to have work and build a happy life.
When I was a kid I got hooked by playing robots so I dreamed to make my own and decided to take technological course specifically computer engineering. I finished high-school and my dream never change, however due to financial problems I was forced to stop and have a job. I work for a whole year and enrolled as an Information Technology student that majors in computer programming. I have entered the school not knowing what might and will be taught. Not to long I found my self hooked in computer programming trying to developed simple software applications, studying system security and algorithms. Now I'm on my last year of my studies and hoping to graduate this coming May 2018 and start working by the month of July. Also I am planning to establish a small Solution Provider together with my classmates to have additional profit when we start the new chapter of our lives.

Discovering the Community

How do I discover the community ? do someone introduce me to the site ? do someone talk to me about earning while liking or voting ? do someone says he/she earns a lot of money by just posting ? The answer is No. No one introduces me to the community, the how do I found it ?
Month of December last year, I am surfing the internet studying about programming when I accidentally found an article written in this website. After reading the article I noticed number written in dollar currency. I get curious about the amount written under the post so I rushed opening the youtube and start watching related some reviews about the platform. I got excited knowing that every post, comments and likes might give you give profit so I signup that moment. After filling up the registration form I completely forgot about it because of the 2 days or more waiting the approved account, I remembered the site when I open my gmail account after a week or two and see that my registration was approved. I rushed and create my first post expecting to earn money that easy but Poooffff 😂 it became a failure hahahaha.

1 Week Journey

Staying in the community for one whole week is pretty fun and been worth-awhile. Being discovered in the sea full of great works is my greatest challenge in the platform. It was a bad start posting articles which are not worth reading that I got thinking to quit as I will not be notice by others. But I remember the feeling of excitement when I read great work by others so I decide to continue writing and posting. I don't care now if people don't recognized my work, I just think that maybe someone's perspective might change if he/she accidentally reads one of these. Also I see that posting is not the only way to reach out with your fellow steemians, I can also communicate with them by just reading their works and appreciating it.

"Don't forget, a person's greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated"
H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Many users can give a good amount of vote, however we who don't have that can read their works and and give what they deserve, Appreciation

My Home

@steemitfamilyph welcomed me in their big and happy family. My home provides good and educational information to new steemit users to avoid mistakes and being scammed. Also they provide contests where you can join , they also gives opinions not only to the platform but also to real life matters. I want to extend my gratitude to the members of the family most especially to @ankarlie @maverickinvictus @jamesanity06 and @jon24jon24 . Thanks for all the great help 👍


  • The community improved my writing and specially my reading skills. I'm not used in reading articles but the platform changed me well in the past week. Also it pushes me to even make my very first poem (link will be provided below) which I don't really do
  • Make me interact to others which I don't really do in the
  • Steemit really and still changes my daily routine, hope it will be for the best

Works I have posted:


DnW Poetry Contest #3: A TIME WELL SPENT

Programming Related

Advance C# Programming with MongoDB
Csharp Tutorial Road to a Finished System [Introduction]
Csharp Tutorial Road to a Finished System [Hello World]
Csharp Tutorial Road to a Finished System [Data Types and Variables]


Story behind me being as an Information Technology Students
steemitfamilyph ITS THE BEST
Things you should do when you Invest in Crypto

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