Hello, Coastline17 Here!

When you gotta work on New Year's.PNG
(Throwback to New Year's on Duty)

My name is Coastline17 and I am currently pursuing a career in Law. My hobbies in my free time include hiking on the weekends with my friends and pushing myself to my limit in terms of weight and distance I can hike. I also enjoy playing video games as it is something I did for a long time and is a form of communication with friends I do not see in person anymore. Recently, I have taken an interest in art and have been frequenting the museums in near me and frequenting online galleries.

In terms of furthering my education in in this field, I am looking forward to transferring Law School at USD to earn a Juris Doctorate. To prepare myself for the tasks I have ahead, I have been studying for the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT) as well as reading what I can about the various careers that are in the sphere of Administration of Justice.

I’m a Formula 1 enthusiast with a penchant for the now-defunct Team Arrows, going as far as to acquire their old domain orangearrows.com. I would like to turn it into an archive of sorts for the team, compiling all the information I can find on them so it isn’t lost to time.

Currently I work in a Law Office and write about crypto and legal aspects across various sections. Most notably, Cryptocurrency & Tax Law in the United States

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