Where we tell our stories | An Introduction

Our average height definitely is too short. But hey, in this world where we're probably mere specks of dust, we try to be the Goliaths in our own ways. Who we are? We are the...

CoARE Babes

CoARE Babes is how we call ourselves. In a perfectly wholesome way, believe us. We are a group of girls working for the Computing and Archiving Research Environment Facility, an HPC facility in the Philippines. CoARE Facility offers free HPC service to researchers in the academe and other government offices, so if you’re a student with thesis needing supercomputers, don’t hesitate to talk to us.

From creative to technical to scientific, you can count on us… well, we’ll do our best as much as we can. Now, without further ado, let us introduce ourselves to you!

We're seriously cute... minus the temper, of course. That's definitely something you can't take away from us. Image Source

Who make up the CoARE Babes?

CoARE Babes comprises six cute girls who live pretty average lives.

Charlocked, the Goddess of 2014

In her dreams, she is Sherlock Holmes. In this reality, however, she gets by with being known as Charlock. A self-proclaimed writer who is so fascinated with letters, and words, and phrases, and sentences, Charlock lives and breathes to become a legendary wordsmith. Music makes her alive, but an introvert and demophobe like her can rarely be seen at gigs and concerts. It will take a lot of persuasion to make her dance. She dislikes being disturbed when she is looking out the window. It will make her happy if you leave her lying on grass to stare at the moon and the stars, for hours. She can never understand when coffee kicks in, maybe, because she is always a tea person. When she is not too occupied in being a writer, she tries hard to learn sick guitar riffs, write complex codes, and unravel the mysteries of the universe...all while trying to survive in graduate school. You can make her smile when you give her ice cream, potato chips, peppermint cookies, and cheesecake. It surprises her that while she is boring to most people, a few select find her bearable. For some crazy reason, one Man is thrilled that she exists...and that is enough for her to continue living.

"If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world."

Quoted from C.S. Lewis

Debilog, the Queen of Memes

Debilog shares quite a lot of memes (mostly funny). She is also fond of everything matcha. She craves for desserts for most time of the day. She loves starting things but tends to procrastinate in the middle. She finds meaning and joy in the mundane. She recently bought three potted herbs as this is included in her bucket list. As of now, her favorite is lemon balm which she uses to make tea. She may write about it in the future. As a self-proclaimed watcher of the world, she takes down notes to be a better citizen of the Earth. She is hooked by time travel, parallel worlds, and slice of life stories. In the future, she hopes to learn to write gracefully and paint like Claude Monet.

“Lost opportunities, lost possibilities, feelings we can never get back. That's part of what it means to be alive. But inside our heads - at least that's where I imagine it - there's a little room where we store those memories. A room like the stacks in this library. And to understand the workings of our own heart we have to keep on making new reference cards. We have to dust things off every once in awhile, let in fresh air, change the water in the flower vases. In other words, you'll live forever in your own private library.”

Quoted from Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

Erangvee, the Duchess of Happy Crush

She switches happy crushes every once in a while, thus the title. Anyway, Erangvee loves reading (books, manga, Wattpad, journals (by obligation)). She is also a physicist who loves drawing, especially anime and portraits. Music gets her going (alt-rock/rock/punk rock most of the time, k-pop the other) but no musical instrument loves her back (she enjoys Youtube-ing people playing bass guitar, though). At present, she dedicates her time to watching watercolor how-to’s, and subsequently drowns in overwhelming jealousy over the amazing painters that litter the world wide web. When she feels like acting like a legit scholar, on the other hand, Erangvee enjoys machine learning, deep learning, and the wonders of Python programming in general.

“We all have our time machines. Some take us back, they’re called memories. Some take us forward, they’re called dreams.”

Quoted from Jeremy Irons

Glenduuuuuh, the Madam of Tassel Earrings

She's the Lost Millennial.

"We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.”

Quoted from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Mind-candy, the Crayola Master

Few things mind-candy loves: films, poetry, books, anime, cats, and all things weird. Mind-candy grew up in a house full of books, and often frequented the school library when she was young. She used to buy books instead of toys, and was so fascinated with how authors weaved magic worlds while using only words. Growing up, she fell in love with both Creative Writing and Research, and decided that’s what she wanted to do in life. Her favorite topics to explore include Culture and Society, Coming of Age, Death, Science, Mental Health and Mysteries. She also loves talking to passionate people about ideas, interests, and life in general. In her free time (if she's not writing (or studying huhu)), she reads weird stuff on the Internet, watches thought-provoking films or delves in Anime. Someday, she hopes to live in The Land of The Rising Sun with her beloved cats.

"Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms and like books that are written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will find them gradually, without noticing it, and live along some distant day into the answer."

Quoted from Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet

Error 404: User not Found, the Mean Girl of the Philippines

Image Source

By erangvee on Error 404: She has eyes everywhere. Be wary.
By debilog on Error 404: Master initiator of Science Club.

"Maybe you should eat some makeup so you can be pretty on the inside, too."

Quoted from Herself, because she’s mean

Random things about CoARE Babes

Let's start with toothbrush... because we're that [awesomely] random.

What color is your toothbrush?

charlocked: green and black
debilog: pink
erangvee: purple
glenduuuuuh: brown (it’s bamboo)
mind-candy: pink (in the boarding house), blue (in the office), yellow (at home)
Error 404: User not Found: gold and pink

Describe yourself in 3 words

charlocked: boring, bearable, interesting
debilog: short, stout, teapot
erangvee: clingy, impatient, ilovekpop
glenduuuuuh: punny, adventurous, bloated
mind-candy: I love cats.
Error 404: User not Found: I see you.

If you could be any flavor of ice cream what ice cream flavor would you be and why?

Image Source

charlocked: Pistachio. Boring to most, interesting to few.
debilog: Matcha with red bean and ube because I’m plain simple but still colorful
erangvee: rocky road, just because.
glenduuuuuh: Pistachio: I'm like a pistachio ice cream, have a well-balanced level of sweetness with a few nuts. Yam/ Ube: Just like yam, I am tasteless and unappetizing, but when mixed with other ingredients of life, I can be the best version of myself. And I love purple!
mind-candy: Bicol’s Sili ice cream.
Error 404: User not Found: vanilla + roasted almonds toppings: because I can roast people while having a very kind and pure heart

Why (How) we joined Steemit

The decision was swift: let's make a communal account, we said. And yup, you guessed right. We did. The purpose was just as straightforward: we wanted some extra moolah for times when we decide to go out. (Yup, no bigger purpose like perhaps donating to a whole village... except maybe in the future, when we've settled well enough here on Steemit, who knows?)

Ah, another agenda. Make known to Filipinos the existence of an HPC Facility here in the Philippines. So if you're a Filipino researcher, scientist, data scientist... and in need of fast computers, reach out to us. We're really friendly haha.

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