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I'm bi-polar, intelligent, and maybe a bit of a megalomaniac, according to my shrink. So of course, I want to come teach people how they should be thinking.

My main interest is politics. I don't know how you would classify me politically. I believe a one world government is the only way we'll ever have peace, but we'll never have one because people can't give up their imagined self reliance. Not until someone sets the world on fire, or aliens invade.I believe technology is not a bad thing, and think many of the conspiracy nuts out there, are... just nuts.

Money is only good for keeping things from people, and I dream of a world of post scarcity and no money. But I don't seem to be able to find any people who can imagine no money, let alone see it as a good thing.

I think guns are fun, and if they are ever banned, I'm just going to hop on the black market and get me some Uzis if I want to shoot something up. I hope if I'm ever breaking and entering, the owner has a gun. Sleepy scared idiots can't shoot for shit, and make getting well maintained guns easy.

I think abortions are fun. Anyone who bans them should be required to support some baby that the mother can't afford.

I think religion is for people who can't really accept responsibility.

I think man made global warming is beyond the point of no return, but I quit caring when I realized there's an overwhelming number of people who won't even try to do anything until they are already dying. So, let's get to burning!

I think racism is stupid.

I think the difference between terrorist and revolutionary founding fathers is a matter of winning.

I think I like arguing.

I think I'll find plenty of people to argue with here.

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