Post #1 - Hi I'm Christina!

I checked my email every day for two and half weeks to see if Steemit had emailed me. My sister @laurascarborough had told me about it. Actually, she raved about it.

“I’m inspired again Christina, this thing is gonna blow up, it’s such a supportive community, I love it, I mean, I need to post more, but you need to get on there, seriously”

And man she amped me up! Every day I didn’t get the Steemit email I thought,

“When I finally get my account, I’m gonna write about this, and this, and I’m so gonna write about that one time…”

And then, it happened. I got my account up and running, I wrote down my password key in a gazillion different places, and then I -

I froze. Umm.. all that talk, and now it’s time to actually post, and…what was I so excited about again?

You see, our minds can be our greatest enemy. We plan and plan and plan, and we wait for perfection, until the opportunity is gone, and we’ve missed our chance, and all that planning for perfection was a waste of time. I really admire the people that DO more than they THINK. Life is about doesn’t happen in our paranoid minds.

So here is my less than perfect #introduceyourself Introduction:

Hi :) I’m Christina. I’ve been told that I’m too nice. I’m a girl. I’m American Indonesian, and my accent comes out when I drink. I’m a content creator. Yeahhh that sounds kind of douchey, but it’s so much easier than saying I take pictures, I make videos, I write, I sing, I record, I share. In sum, I create ze content. I live in Austin, TX, and the other half of my heart lives in Indonesia, my home.

To all my Indos, apa kabar! Ternyata banyak juga orang Indonesia di Steemit. Maaf sebelumnya bahasa saya kurang lancar, kelamaan di Amrik hehehe, tapi saya senang bisa ketemu komunitas Indonesia disini.

Back to the content creation stuff - I want to share a realization I’ve had about what it’s like to be a creative.

Sometimes, I don’t now what the fuck I’m doing in life. I’m pretty sure I should be on my second husband and making passive income on several properties by now, but I’m not. I should be helping my family, I should take care of my appearance, I should I guess?

The one thing I do know, is that when I’m taking someones portrait, when I’m sitting down to edit, when I write creatively, and when I sing, I FEEL GOOD. There is a certain zen I feel that doesn’t stem from logical analysis. It’s deeper, it’s spiritual. It’s the root of my purpose in this world, despite not having any reasonable backing. It’s the stuff that bankers and employers and haters don’t want you to believe in, because it has become so ridiculous to think that you can actually survive in this world by doing what makes you happy.

When nothing makes sense, you have to take that plunge and be real with yourself and ask: Does this feel good? The why’s and the how’s come later - those are distractions.

Have you guys experienced something similar? What makes you feel good?

Also, this is me taking a selfie when my friends were getting married >
Because, is there ever a wrong time to take a good selfie?

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