My name is Chris Cheng. I'm a Game Developer right out of High School


I'm a 19 year old living in the Philippines who's recently graduated from Uno High School.

Now, that school has nothing to do with game development nor were their programming lessons all that great. In fact, I think the lessons they gave only stirred confusion among the whole class. At the end of the subject, nobody knew how to code.

So Why Am I a Game Developer?

Well to put it simply, it's been my dream ever since I was a kid. I've been inspired mostly by games with incredible movement mechanics such as Team Fortress 2 or Mirror's Edge. There's a rush of adrenaline that fuels me when I'm faced with the split-second decision making needed to work your way around obstacles. The only thought that runs through my mind when I finish is "I could do better".

I have zero formal training when it comes to making games. So I've taught myself programming, art, and design until I thought I was ready. It took years to learn as I always had thoughts of self-doubt. I couldn't see myself in my dream and I kept losing motivation. "Why am I doing this?" I thought to myself as no one was there to say if I was doing the right thing, if I was going the right path. It was really hard for me to keep going. That is, until I met someone who believed in me with all of her heart and would always be by my side. She reminded myself that I did this because it's what I want. It's my dream and I should be doing it because it's what makes me happy. This is where I'll be starting my journey, and you can join me.

I'll be blogging every other day about my life as a young adult trying to earn a living off what I love. I'll also be posting quick and easy tutorials about making games aimed at everyday people. I believe creating video games can be a fun hobby where you could show small games to your friends and family.

Thank you for reading and I hope to learn more about this community and be apart of it.

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