An Introduction to the Caffeine.Created: Love Art, and Coffee

My first blog! Exciting! I’ve always wanted to try my hand at blogging and want to start out with a shout-out to my love, inspiration, and Steemit associate — Danny Melgarejo of Sky Pixel Pilot … and of my heart. What would I do without you!? We are both creatives, new parents, and love to learn new things. It makes perfect sense that we have ended up in the Steemit community! I can't wait to start inspiring fellow Steemians!

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When considering signing up for Steemit, I wondered what my main focus should be. I wanted to be able to write about anything I felt like with no restrictions. I could write about the things I’ve learned as a new mom, as an artist, or just what I’ve learned about life in general. I'm interested in love, coffee, art, philosophy, sports, meditation, and the list goes on. I asked myself, “What theme could link all potential topics together?” The answer came to me in one sip — coffee!
Moms and Dads, artists, and people who consider themselves lifelong learners all appreciate a hug in a cup. A LOT of my learning and my works of art have been caffeine-based. One of the smartest things I did in college was get a job at a coffee shop. I saved money on the ammunition that was necessary to tackle my days and I made lifelong friends too! Coffee has been there through it all and brings people together. What a perfect a idea for the name of a Steemit writer who wants to do just that! Thus, the “caffeine.created” Steemit page was born.
So, to formally introduce myself … I’m a full time mom to an adorable little girl and my days are filled with taking care of my family, house, and self (when I can). Once in awhile, I have a moment to CREATE. I either dally in fine art (drawing, mixed media, photography, or oil painting) or crafts (crocheting, knitting, or sewing). I have also been known to blend these two areas of expertise together and have sewn into my artwork!


We have only one life to waste — or to not waste! I’ve been given impromptu advice by many passersby to never give up on my art no matter how busy and distracting life can get. These life mentors were moms, dads, and regular Joe-Schmoe’s who had not indulged in their life passions and hobbies for years. I could see the regret and reminiscence in their eyes. To say the least, I am taking their advice and hope to pass this inspiration on through Steemit. My mission is to inspire you to get up off the couch when your bored, turn off the TV when you think you have no time, and to put down that phone and pick up your passion. If this busy, new mom can do it, so can you!
“Pick Up Your Passion” sounds like a good title for my next post. ;) Look out for upcoming articles about love and coffee and art!


Fellow Steemians, if you like, please follow my Sabrina Artista Facebook page and Instagram!

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