I Came for the Decentralization but Stayed for the Education

This is the first step of what will hopefully be a long and happy journey into the world of Steemit. It marks my official commitment to creating regular content here without exactly knowing how it all works. I'll be learning as I go.

I'll keep it short for this first post.

I love to read, to think and to write. Reading has been a lifelong passion. Thinking and writing have been acquired tastes.

Sitting behind a radio microphone for the past 34 years has helped me to find my voice. During that time I've also been a public speaker, writer and mentor. I constantly challenge my listeners and readers to step outside of the boundaries of conventional wisdom and to take ownership of their opinions.

Now, I love to help others find their voices and to share ideas that liberate the captive. If there's a discussion worth having, I do my best to help elevate it beyond shouted bumper sticker slogans and to focus instead on the underlying principles at stake. I'm willing to accept truth from any source.

In this blog, I'll be writing about current events as viewed through the prism of common sense.

I don't have all the answers but I'm not afraid to ask the kinds of questions that help provide needed perspective. I strive to make my commitment to truth stronger than my attachment to my own beliefs. It's my goal for my readers to be more certain about what I stand for than simply who or what I'm against. Because of this, I have little use for labels.

I'd rather that my readers come away from what they've read with a broader understanding than they had before, whether they agree with it or not.

I'm less concerned about changing minds and more concerned with softening hearts.

If you don't mind the occasional challenge to conventional wisdom, please follow my blog and dialogue with me. Ideally, we'll both be richer for engaging.

Bryan HydeThe Loving Liberty Booth at FEECon 2018.jpg

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