Introducing Momma Bri

If you are already following me then you know of my posts about parenting. This is a post that will talk about me since I really have not done one. I am sure that I will cover things that you have already read on my other posts but I want my followers and others to get to know who I am.


I am 25 years old, married to a wonderful and beautiful women. We've been married for three wonderful years but we've been together for going on six years. We have a brilliant daughter, who is about to be 9, she is who inspired me to start posting. They bring a certain type of happiness to my life.

As posted in other posts, I have added in parts of my childhood as to make the ones who follow my posts understand my mind set. I was almost solely raised by my dad. He has done all of the molding of my mind and personality. My mother was involved sometimes after they got divorced. Once my parents divorced my mother was wrapped up in other things and her other family. It has taken a long while to come to a understanding of how she is. Like I've said my brother and I were her kids that weren't what she wanted. I say that because my dad taught my brother and I to be who we are. I am a lesbian and because she doesn't like it I've become an inconvenience for her. It hurts but my mom, Amber, makes up for it. She loves us for who we are reguardless of our relationships or choices. Thats a look into my childhood.

I am the oldest of four, I have two brothers and a baby sister. We are all very different, my first brother is a very kind and laid back, but he can be a rebel. My second brother, he's harder to explain, he's by far the most different. He is sweet when he wants to be but he is a whole lot angrier then any of us. My baby sister is the lightest of us. She brings so much happiness just for being herself. I wanted a sister since my first brother was born. I could never have imagined a sister like her. She is just a wonderful child and as she gets older she gets more awesome.
She was always glued to me when she was young and it always makes me happy to know that I know she is the sweetest and loving person I've ever met.
She is her mothers daughter for sure because they are both so loving and caring.

Like I've said my dad and mother are divorced. But my dad has remarried and I couldn't have been any happier then when my dad and mom got married.
They have been in love and they are one reason, I found my love. Seeing their love gave me the strength to believe in love.

When I was growing up, my dad, usually was funny or you were always funny to him in many ways.
Many people do not understand our family. I say that because we are very open. My dad taught us that we should not be ashamed of who we are. We were encouraged to believe how we want and to be who we want. My dad is definitely different then most parents. He has helped me get over a lot of insecurities just by bring it up and pointing it out to make it a joke. Most people think this method is not helpful but unless you realize its just words you will worry about it. In his own way he taught me that they are just words. My dad is a type of person who is extremely hard on themself. My dad was seventeen when I was born. Let that sit in for a moment. Nowadays, that is not very rare but back when I was born it was frowned upon. My grandparents were not thrilled but still helped.
But back to my point, he believes he has made a lot of mistakes when raising us. Even if he has most parents do plus he was seventeen when he had his first child. If you ask me i whole heartedly believe my dad did an excellent job. I have turned out alright and so have my siblings. We know discipline, but we also know compassion and fun.

I have covered alot about my family that because my family is what is important to me.
When we come together is the best time. We are a very loving family.

That is my introduction of who I am and who has made me who I am.

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